Concord and Pronoun

1. SIMAK UI/941
Some fast restaurants have reacted to 
consumer demands by focusing on high quality 
product with low prices and 
A. to offer new products with less fat
B. new products with less fat are being offered
C. offering new products with less fat
D. the offer of new products with less fat
E. offered new products with less fat

2. SIMAK UI/931
''Why did you have to work overtime yesterday?''
''Well' I had to finish not only the company's
annual repport ..... ''
A. but also had to copy the annual report
B. and I also had copy the annual report
C. but also the copying of the report
D. but I was also copying the annual report
E and also copying the annual report

3. SIMAK UI/921
Having a creadit card is convenient  because you 
can either pay your bills with one check or .....
A. stertching out your payments
B. to stercth out your payments
C. you can stetch out your payments
D. stetch out your payments
E. your payments can be stretched out

4. UMB/371
My friend got the job as a manager not because of 
his uncle's pasition in the company, .....
A. but because he is very well qualified for the job
B. but because of his good qualifications
C. but also because  he is well  qualified for the  job
D. but also because of his good qualifications
E. but also because he is very well qualified for the job

5. SMB/R-III/641
Tari was punished by the teacher not only
because she forgot to bring her book ..... .
A. and she didn't do her homework too
B. but she didn't to her homework either
C. but also for not doing  her homework
D. as well as the didn't  do her homework
E. but also because she didn't do her homework

6. SIMAK UI/208
The person recently elected headmaster  of our 
school is well-qualified, sociable, and ..... to his
A. his dedication is very high
B. he is highly dedicating
C. is dedicated highly
D. having a high dedication
E. highly dedicated

7. UMPTN/R-A/240
'I wonder how Laura will ever manage the business after her father died in that car accident.'
'She has both the expertise in running the business and ...... '
A. the strong support from all the member of her family
B. all the members of the family
C. she is also supported by all the members of her family
D. there is the strong support from all the member of her family
E. she has the strong support from all members of her family

8. UMPTN/R-B/140
The news on the local radio stations as well as in the news paper ....... that the riots have spread to other place in the city. 
A. to be confirmed
B. is confirmed
C. confirm
D. are confirmed
E. confirms

9. UMPTN/R-B/140
Parliment members were troubled not only by the present political condition ..... 
A. but the current socio-economic condition
B. and so is the current socio-economic condition
C. besides the current socio-economic condition is bad
D. but also by the current socio-economic condition
E. as well as the current socio-economic condition

10. UMPTN/R-C/342
About ten percent of the Earth's land area or nearly 5.8 million square miles ..... by glacial ice. 
A. are covered
B. has covered
C. to be covered
D. had covered
E. is covered

11. UMPTN/R-C/342
The higher rate of pollution in this area is caused by the increasing number of cars as well as by ......
A. the smoke from factories are emitted
B. the factories emit smoke
C. the smoke which factories emit
D. the factory smoke is emitted
E. the emission of the smoke from factories

12. UMPTN/R-C/342
Advertisement both influence people's spending habits ....... 
A. their standard of living is also raised
B. but also the rising of their standard of living
C. they can raise their standard of living too
D. and raise their standard of living
E. as well as the raise in their standard of living 

13. SPMB/R-II/310
They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect environment, and .....
A. provide quality education
B. the provision of quality education
C. providing quality education
D. quality education is provided
E. for providing quality education 

14. SPMB/R-II/310
In evaluating your progress, the teacher will take into account ....., attitude, and achievement.
A. how you performed
B. your performance
C. if you performed
D. that you performed
E. when you have performed
15. SPMB/R-III/312
His outstanding achievement includes the researches he has conducted and ...... 
A. he has attended many international seminars
B. the international seminars he has attended
C. his attendance in many international seminars
D. how many international seminars he has attended
E. many international seminars that go gas attended

16. UM-UGM/121
The way he talks and smokes ....... me of his father.
A. remaind
B. reminding
C. it remainds
D. they remind
E. reminds
17. SPMB/R-I/440
...... but he is also trustworthy 
A. Ali is not only dependable
B. Ali is only not dependable
C. Not only Ali is dependable
D. is Ali not only dependable
E. not only is Alidependable 
18. SPMB/R-I/440
'Have you checked where most of the seminar participants come from?'
'Oh yes, two-third of them ..... from various parts of Java.'
A. are coming
B. comes
C. they come
D. to come
E. come
19. SPMB/R-I/440
'I heard that the thieves managed to take your electronic.'
'Well, not only the electronic ...... '
A. as well my precious jewelry
B. but they took my precious jewelry too
C. and also my precious jewelry
D. but also my precious jewelry
E. and they took my precious jewelry

20. SPMB/R-I/140
None of the beauty contestans .... to wear
bikini provided by the committee.
A. refuses
B. are refusing
C. to refuse
D. refuse
E. they refuse

21. SPMB/R-I/140
Anwar decided to quit school  and  .... on his 
career in music.
A. concentrating
B. concentrating
C. he will concentrate
D. be concentrating
E .concetrate
It is essential to change the company's policy
related to women workers wihich ..... the spirit
of the equality law.
A. not obey
B. dose not obey
C. the do not obey
D. not obeying
E. it does not obey

23. SPMB/R-II/241
Tari was punished by the teacher not only
because the forgot to bring the book ..... .
A. and she didn't do her homework too
B. but she didn't do her homework either
C. but also for not doing her homework
D. as well as she didn't do her homework
E. but also because she didn't to do her homework
24. SPMB/R-II/640
This area is not feasible for transmigration
because of its infertile soil and .....
A. it has a dry climate
B. the climate is dry
C. because the climate is dry
D. the dryness of the climate
E. dry climate

All the doctors in our hospital have their own 
practice room and each of them .... a nurse to
assist him.
A. needs
B. he need
C. he need
D. need need

The installation of various high-tech electrical
devices in our office .... a sophisticated safety
A. requiring
B. requires
C. to require
D. require requires

27. UM-UGM/121
A number of students ..... complaining about the 
A. is
B. are
C. be
D. being
E. been

28. SPMB/R-I/772
He did not pass his oral examination because he
was either nervous ..... .
A. or the did not prepare himself well
B. and did not prepare well
C. also the preparetion was not
D. or not well prepared
E. but he was not well prepared

29. SPMB/R-II/270
Not only did he refuse to sign the contract, ......
A. and he sued the film company for human rights violations too
B. he sued also the film company for human rights volations
C. also, he sued the film company for human rights volutions
D. but he also sued the film company for human right violation
E. he sued the film company too for human rights violation

30. SPMB/R-III/171
In the next peotry-reading contest, each of the contestant ....... expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronunciation. 
A. is
B. are
C. they are
D. to be
E. being 

31. UMPTN/R-A/32
Producing fine paintings ...... skill and creativity.
A. require
B. they require
C. is requiring
D. requires
E. it requires

32. UMPTN/R-B/34
'What are your mother's hobbies?'
"Growing orchids and ...... antique jewelry.'
A. collect
B. she collects
C. collecting
D. to collect
E. is collecting 

33. UMPTN/R-C/33
The of a river passing through some big towns ...... the little of a very popular Indonesian song.
A. it has become
B. has become
C. having become
D. to have become
E. have become 

34. UMPTN/R-B/53
The children anjoy playing on the beach and ..... 
A. swim in the ocean
B. to swim in the ocean
C. there are swimming in the ocean
D. swimming in the ocean
E. to be swimming in the ocean 

35. UMPTN/R-B/53
I know Doni as an awfully loyal employee and ..... 
A. he works very hard
B. a person who works very hard
C. he is very hard working person
D. a person working very hard
E. a very hard worker 

36. UMPTN/R-B/53
People like to go to that restaurant because of its quick service and .....
A. friendly waiters
B. their friendly waiters
C. the friendliness of the waiters
D. the waiters being friendly
E. the waiters who are friendly 

37. UMPTN/R-C/23
Ecologists are trying to preserve our environment for future generations by purifying the air and .....
A. forests are replanted
B. have forest replanted
C. replant forest
D. they replant forest s
E. replanting forest

38. UMPTN/R-A/43
Different interpretations on the same event by various newspapers ..... readers confused and angry.
A. to make
B. they make
C. make
D. it makes
E. makes
39. UMPTN/R-C/42
At the beginning of the semester, each of the student ..... given a new time-table.
A. he is
B. they are
C. are
D. is
E.  be 

40. UMPTN/R-C/42
Due to the current financial condition, our budget plan for 1998/1996 .....
A. needs to review
B. need to be reviewed
C. needs review
D. is needed to be reviewed
E. it needs reviewing

41. UMPTN/R-A/14
Due to the monetary crisis, the number of people without jobs ..... at the moment.
A. increase
B. is increasing
C. increased
D. was increasing
E. will increase 

42. UMPTN/R-C/41
The numbers of illiterate people in our country ...... drastically.
A. to decrease
B. decrease
C. has decreased
D. they decrease
E. it decreases

43. UMPTN/R-A/64
The school has a lot of classrooms; each of them .... equpped with an overhead projector.
A. are
B. is
C. they are
D. being
E. to be

44. UMPTN/R-A/63
They can neither gave him a part-time job, .... as a trainee in their company.
A.  and also not accept him
B. they cannot accept him
C. nor accept him
D. but also not accept him
E. as well as not accepting him 

45. UMPTN/R-B/31
Five hundred miles ..... a long distance to drive in one day.
A. to be
B. are being
C. it is
D. they are
E. is

46. UMPTN/R-B/31
'What has made Wijayaso well-known today?'
A. He is also only a good artist, but not a scholar
B. Only is he not a good artist, but a scholar
C. Also he is a good artist only, but not a scholar
D. He is not only a good artist, but also a good scholar
E.  Only he is an artist and also a scholar but not good

47. UMPTN/R-B/31
Most developing countries are not only heavily burdened with foreign debts ..... such as employment.
A. with problems in society also
B. as well as social problems
C. and problems in society too
D. but also with social problems
E. and also problems in society

48. UMPTN/R-C/34
The eastern part of the town is not only densely populated .....
A. and pollution is everywhere
B. while it is polutated too
C. so is the area full of popuulation
D. but also badly polluted
E. or the whole are is polluted badly

49. UMPTN/R-C/34
Neither the footbal players not their coach ....... satisfied with the referee's desicion.
A. was
B. be
C. were
D. being
E.  he was

50. SPMB/R-I/411
The government is trying to reduce smoking by putting warnings on cigarette pack and .....
A. they ban all advertising of cigarettes
B. banning all advertising of cigarettes
C. they also have banned all advertising of cigarettes
D. all advertising of cigarettes is also banned
E. advertisement of cigarettes have been banned

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