Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

Pronoun adalah kata ganti. Dalam dalam bahasa arab dikatakan Dhomir yaitu kata yang mewakili benda. Beberapa jenis pronoun:
  1. Personal pronoun
  2. Possessive adjective
  3. Reflective pronoun
  4. Indefinite pronoun
1. Personal Pronoun (kata ganti perorangan)
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti prorangan. Personal pronoun dibedakan menjadi personal pronoun yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek dan berkedudukan sebagai objek atau objek pronoun.

Subject Object
I me
we us
you you
you you
he/she/it him/her/it
they them

 a. Subject Pronoun 
- Di awal sebelum kata kerja:
  • I eat manggo.
  • We clean the clear.
  • You opened the door.
  • He studied.
  • They studied
- Di awal sebelum kata bantu pada kalimat positif dan negative:
  • I will eat mango.
  • We must clean the floor.
  • You haven't opened the door.
  • He had studied.
  • They are studying. 
- Setelah kata bantu sebelum kata kerja dalam pertanyaan ya dan tidak:
  • Do I eat mango?
  • Do we clean the floor?
  • Did you open the door?
  • Did he study?
- Setelah kata tanya dan kata bantu sebelum kata kerja dalam pertanyaan yang ada kata tanyanya:
  • What do I eat?
  • How often do we clean the floor?
  • Why did you open the door?
  • Where did he study?
  • When have they studied?
b. Object pronoun
- Langsung setelah kata kerja:
  • Father called me.
  • I need her.
  • Don't disturb him.
  • He told me this story.
  • Father bought me a new bag.
 - Setelah preposisi ketika terletak sesudah direct object:
  • She gave money to me.
  • I bought a book for him.
  • Our mother made a cake for us.
- Di antara kata kerja dan preposisi atau ditengah frase verba:
  • Hannd them in!
  • hang it up!
  • take them off!
  • switch it on!
  • put it off! 
  • etc.
2. Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronoun keduanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan atau menyatakan kepunyaan. Bedanya, kalau dalam dalam possessive adjective bendanya harus disebutkan/tuliskan, sedangkan dalam possessive pronoun bendanya tak perlu disebutkan/tuliskan.

Possessive Adjective Possessive  Pronoun
my mine
our ours
your yours
your yours
his/her/its his/hers/its
their theirs

Possessive adjective:
  • This is my house.
  • That is your book.
  • Are that your books?
Possessive pronoun:
  • This is mine.
  • That is your.
  • Is that yours?
 The Use of Possessive Adjective
- Diletakkan sebelum kata benda. Noun langsung diletakkan di belakang possessive adjective:
  • my book
  • our book
  • your book
  • her book 
  • their book
- Setelah possessive adjective tak perlu article a, an, dan the.
  • my car            bukan my a car
  • your house     bukan your a car
  • our class        bukan our a class 
  • their apple     bukan their an apple
The Use of Possessive Pronoun 
- Setelah possessive pronoun tak perlu menulis atau menyebutkan bendanya.
Possessive adjective:
  • This is my book.
  • That is your bag.
  • Is that your pen?
Possessive pronoun :
  • This is mine.
  • That is yours.
  • Is that yours?
Bedanya disebut jika menggunakan pola noun+of+possessive pronoun:
  • This is my book/the book is mine
  • This is my pen/the pen is yours
  • is that your bag?/is that a bag of yours?
  • is he our friend?/is he a friend of ours?
 3. Reflective Pronoun. 
Form of reflextive pronoun (bentuk reflextive pronoun)
Personal pronoun Reflective pronoun
I myself
we ourselves
you yourself
they themself
you (jamak) yourselves
he himself
she herself
it itself

The Use of Refletive Pronoun 
a. Sebagai objek kata kerja yang mengacu pada pelaku:
  • I cut myself.
  • He can't shave himself.
  • Zain and Dannis blamed themselves for the accident.
  • This refrigerator defrosts itself.
b. Sebagai penekan pada subjek dan diletakkan langsung setelah subject tersebut:
  • The king himself gave the medal.
  • I myself made the cookies at home.
  • Fatimah herself move the table.
  • He himself bought the parcel. 
c. by + reflective pronoun mempunyai arti yang sama dengan alone (tanpa teman, tanpa bantuan, sendirian):
  • I go to America by myself.
  • She flew the Medang by herself.
  • I did it by myself.
  • They create the handmade by themselves.
4. Indefinite Pronoun (Pronoun tan tentu)
Indefinite pronoun adalah pronoun yang merujuk pada orang, benda atau hal yang tak tentu (tunggal). Umumnya indefinite pronoun menggunakan one, body, thing:
someone somebody something
anyone anybody anything
every one every body everything
no one nobody nothing

  • Someone wants to meet Mr. Arif.
  • Is there anyone that can help me?
  • The mise eat anything.
  • Nobody helped him.
  • I have nothing to say.

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26 September 2020 pukul 01.44 delete

Ex object :She is actriss
Ex subject : They are the superhero

