A. Adverb of time (waktu)
- now
- today
- this month
- this year
- tomorrow
- yesterday
- last month
- last year
- at 09.00 pm
- after lunch
- after school
- before magrib
- since 2009
- on Sunday
- in Februari
- in 1997
- in three days
- lately
- recently
- just
- ever since
- never
- etc.
Langsung setelah kata kerja di kalimat tidak berobject :
- I am study now
- They will study tomorrow
- I am studying English now
- I will study Mathematics tomorrow
- The play soccer in the field every afternoon
- My father went to Surabaya yesterday
- In Bandung
- in the class
- here
- there
- under the table
- on the floor
- besides the mosque
- inside the room
- away
- somewhere
- nowhere
- averywhere
- outside the room
- etc.
- Langusng setelah kata kerja jika tidak ada objek. (here, nowhere, somewhere, three, etc :
- I am studying here
- I will study here
- I am studying English here
- They will study Mathematics here
- I am studying English here now
- They will study Mathematics here tomorrow
- Here is Alvin
- Here we go
- There is Gilang here
Adverb of manner adalah keterangan yang menggambarkan kelakuan, perbuatan, atau kata kerja. Adverb of manner dibentuk dari kata sifat dengan menambahkan -ly dibelakangnya.
He walks slowly. Slowly menerangkan bagaimana dia berjalan.
You speak fast. (fast bukan fastly). ini pengecualian.
Cara membentuk adverb of manner:
Slow - slowly
loud - loudly
happy - happily
sad - sadly
diligent - diligently
Ketentuan penambahan -ly dalam adverb of manner.
1. Adjective berakhiran "y", huruf "y" diganti "i" kemudian ditambahkan -ly :
- lazy - Lazily
- happy - happily
- easy - easily
- greedy - greedily
- true - truly
- due - duly
- whole - wholly
- comfortable - comportably
- sensible - sensibly
- capable - capably
- fast - fast bukan fastly
- hard - hard bukan hardly
- soon - soon bukan soonly
- early - early bukan earlily
- late - late bukan lately (akhir-akhir ini)
Adverb of frequency adalah keterangan keseringan atau seberapa sering sesuatu dilakukan.
a. always, often, seldom, sometimes, continually, frequently, occasionally, once, twice,
periodically, repeatedly, usually, dll.
b. ever, hardly ever, never, rarely, scarcely ever, seldom, etc.
Penempatan Adverb of frequency
- Dalam kalimat simple present, baik pakai be atau tidak:
a. sesudah be:
- They are always on time.
- She is seldom angry.
- I am never late.
- He sometimes goes to school on foot.
- I never get up late.
- They always clean the class.
- He can never forget her.
- You have often visited Bali.
- They have already been told for several times.
- Can you do the test by yourself? Yes I always can.
- They know they should study hard, but they never do.
- Often he walked.
- He walked quite often.
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