Islamic General Terms

English Indonesian
Manner/ethics Adab
The call for prayers Azan
Just Adil
Rulings Ahkam
The people of the revealed book Ahlul kitab
Hereafter Akhirat
Ethics Akhlak
The Righty-Guided Caliphs Al-Khulafaa-ur-Roosyediin
The preserved Tablet Al-Lauhul Mahfuudhs
Intellect Aql/akal
General, public Awam
Verse Ayat
Blessing Berkah
Heresy Bid'ah
Proof Burhan
Preaching Dakwah
Religion, way of life Din (agama)
Remembrance (of Allah) Dzikir/zikir
Supplication Du'a/do'a
World Dunia
Obligatory act/compulsory, mandatory Fardu/wajib
Individual obligation Fardu ain
The communal obligatory act Fardu ain
The communal obligatory act Fardu kifayah
Jurist Fakih
Jurisprudence Fikih
Trial Fitnah
Natural disposition/innate Fitnah
Invisible, mysterious Gaib
Backbiting Gibah
Hadith Hadis
The saying and traditions of prophet Muhammad SAW Hadis
PILgrimage (to Makkah) Naik haji
Lawful, allowed Halal
Prohibited Haram
Envy,envious Hasad
Self-desire Hawa
Modesty, shame haya (rasa malu)
Guidance Hidayah
Wisdom Hikmah
Forbearance Hilm
Worship, forms of worship Ibadah
Break fasting Buka puasa
Fast Puasa
Personal interpretastion Ijtihad
Sincerity Ikhlas
Duress Ikroh (paksaan)
Knowledge Ilmu
Faith Iman
If Allah wills Insyaallah
Willingness Iradat (Kehendak)
Seeking Allah's forgiveness Istigfar
Congregation Jamaah
Heaven, paradise Jannah
Disbeliever Kafir
Expiation of sins Kaffaroh
Caliph, Islamic leader Khalifah
Disbelief Kufur
Non-preferable action Makruh
Commiting sin Maksiat
Recommended act Mandub
Dealings Muallaf
Permission action Mubah
Self accountability Muhasabah
Responsible Mukalaf
Hypocrite Munafik
Self reckoning Muroqobah
Defect, Convert religion (of Islam) Murtad
Polytheist Musyrik
Prophet Nabi
Vow Nazar
Hypocrisy Nifah/kemunafikan
Doomsday Qiyamah/Kiamat
Fate Qodar
Power Qudroh
Provision Rizky
Spirit Roh
Predawn meal Sahur
Praying mat Sajadah
Patient Sabar
Patience Kesabaran
Fasting Puasa
Companion of the prophet Sahabat nabi
The earlyscholar Salaf
Pray Sholat
Intercession Syafaat/manfaat
Desires Sahwat
Satan Setan
Islamic law Syariah
Associating other with Allah Syirik
Action of the prophet Sunnah nabi
Chapter from Qur'an Surah
Creed (of Islam) Syahadat
Repentance Taubat
God decision, fate Takdir
Humility Twadduk
Relying on Allah Tawakal
Scholars Ulama
Revelation Wahyu
A closer servant to Allah Wali
Instinuation, whispering of satan Wasa-was
Ablution, take ritual ablution Wudhu
Compulsory charity Zakat
Commiting adultery Zina
Asceticism Zuhud
