English | Indonesian |
Manner/ethics | Adab |
The call for prayers | Azan |
Just | Adil |
Rulings | Ahkam |
The people of the revealed book | Ahlul kitab |
Hereafter | Akhirat |
Ethics | Akhlak |
The Righty-Guided Caliphs | Al-Khulafaa-ur-Roosyediin |
The preserved Tablet | Al-Lauhul Mahfuudhs |
Intellect | Aql/akal |
General, public | Awam |
Verse | Ayat |
Blessing | Berkah |
Heresy | Bid'ah |
Proof | Burhan |
Preaching | Dakwah |
Religion, way of life | Din (agama) |
Remembrance (of Allah) | Dzikir/zikir |
Supplication | Du'a/do'a |
World | Dunia |
Obligatory act/compulsory, mandatory | Fardu/wajib |
Individual obligation | Fardu ain |
The communal obligatory act | Fardu ain |
The communal obligatory act | Fardu kifayah |
Jurist | Fakih |
Jurisprudence | Fikih |
Trial | Fitnah |
Natural disposition/innate | Fitnah |
Invisible, mysterious | Gaib |
Backbiting | Gibah |
Hadith | Hadis |
The saying and traditions of prophet Muhammad SAW | Hadis |
PILgrimage (to Makkah) | Naik haji |
Lawful, allowed | Halal |
Prohibited | Haram |
Envy,envious | Hasad |
Self-desire | Hawa |
Modesty, shame | haya (rasa malu) |
Guidance | Hidayah |
Wisdom | Hikmah |
Forbearance | Hilm |
Worship, forms of worship | Ibadah |
Break fasting | Buka puasa |
Fast | Puasa |
Personal interpretastion | Ijtihad |
Sincerity | Ikhlas |
Duress | Ikroh (paksaan) |
Knowledge | Ilmu |
Faith | Iman |
If Allah wills | Insyaallah |
Willingness | Iradat (Kehendak) |
Seeking Allah's forgiveness | Istigfar |
Congregation | Jamaah |
Heaven, paradise | Jannah |
Disbeliever | Kafir |
Expiation of sins | Kaffaroh |
Caliph, Islamic leader | Khalifah |
Disbelief | Kufur |
Non-preferable action | Makruh |
Commiting sin | Maksiat |
Recommended act | Mandub |
Dealings | Muallaf |
Permission action | Mubah |
Self accountability | Muhasabah |
Responsible | Mukalaf |
Hypocrite | Munafik |
Self reckoning | Muroqobah |
Defect, Convert religion (of Islam) | Murtad |
Polytheist | Musyrik |
Prophet | Nabi |
Vow | Nazar |
Hypocrisy | Nifah/kemunafikan |
Doomsday | Qiyamah/Kiamat |
Fate | Qodar |
Power | Qudroh |
Provision | Rizky |
Spirit | Roh |
Predawn meal | Sahur |
Praying mat | Sajadah |
Patient | Sabar |
Patience | Kesabaran |
Fasting | Puasa |
Companion of the prophet | Sahabat nabi |
The earlyscholar | Salaf |
Pray | Sholat |
Intercession | Syafaat/manfaat |
Desires | Sahwat |
Satan | Setan |
Islamic law | Syariah |
Associating other with Allah | Syirik |
Action of the prophet | Sunnah nabi |
Chapter from Qur'an | Surah |
Creed (of Islam) | Syahadat |
Repentance | Taubat |
God decision, fate | Takdir |
Humility | Twadduk |
Relying on Allah | Tawakal |
Scholars | Ulama |
Revelation | Wahyu |
A closer servant to Allah | Wali |
Instinuation, whispering of satan | Wasa-was |
Ablution, take ritual ablution | Wudhu |
Compulsory charity | Zakat |
Commiting adultery | Zina |
Asceticism | Zuhud |
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