- Point of the compass = arah mata angin
- North = utara
- Northeast = timur laut
- East = timur
- Southeast = Tenggara
- South = Selatan
- Southwest = Barat daya
- West = Barat
- Northwest = Barat laut
- traffic light = lampu lalu lintas
- one traffic way = satu arah lalu lintas
- two traffic ways = dua arah lalu lintas
- crossroad = perempatan
- T-junction = pertigaan
- straight = Lurus
- turn left = belok kiri
- turn right = belok kanan
- turn around = berputar
- behind = belakang
- beside = di samping
- next to = di sebelah
- across = seberang
- in front of = di depan
- opposite = berlawanan arah
- upstairs = lantai atas
- downstairs = lantai bawah
- The school is at Mutiara street. The house is near to the school. They are at the same street.
- Shop and church are at Mandala street. The shop is a little bit entrance a small gong while the church is across the road.
- At Delima street, there is a bank right side the road from the Mutiara street. Thee is no other building but bank.
- Near the bank, There is mosque behind the bank that at Mentari street.
- Moreover, there is a crossroad between Delima and Sentosa streets. There are Hospital at the right side and Market across the road.
Another example of Showing direction:
- Rina's house is next to my house
- There is a fitness center in front of my school. It is across the road.
- The field is behind my grandma's house.
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