
The familiar words used to show direction
  • Point of the compass = arah mata angin
  • North       = utara 
  • Northeast = timur laut
  • East          = timur 
  • Southeast = Tenggara 
  • South        = Selatan 
  • Southwest = Barat daya
  • West          = Barat
  • Northwest  = Barat laut
  •  traffic light = lampu lalu lintas 
  • one traffic way = satu arah lalu lintas
  • two traffic ways = dua arah lalu lintas
  • crossroad = perempatan
  • T-junction = pertigaan
  • straight = Lurus 
  • turn left = belok kiri
  • turn right = belok kanan 
  • turn around = berputar 
  • behind = belakang
  • beside = di samping 
  • next to = di sebelah
  • across = seberang 
  • in front of = di depan
  • opposite = berlawanan arah 
  • upstairs = lantai atas
  • downstairs = lantai bawah 
Show Direction :

  1.  The school is at Mutiara street. The house is near to the school. They are at the same street.
  2. Shop and church are at Mandala street. The shop is a little bit entrance a small gong while the church is across the road. 
  3. At Delima street, there is a bank right side the road from the Mutiara street. Thee is no other building but bank.
  4. Near the bank, There is mosque behind the bank that at Mentari street.
  5. Moreover, there is a crossroad between Delima and Sentosa streets. There are Hospital at the right side and Market across the road.

Another example of Showing direction:
  • Rina's house is next to my house
  • There is a fitness center in front of my school. It is across the road.  
  • The field is behind my grandma's house.
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