Simple Past Future Tense (I would do)

Simple Past Future Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan :
  1. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lampau. Contoh : According to the weather forecast, it would rain yesterday. 
  2.  Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang direncanakan akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu dimasa lampau. Contoh: Ronny would come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago but he couldn't come because of the pouring rain. 
  3. Untuk membuat main clause conditional sentence tipe1, yaitu conditional yang faktanya dalam simple present tense atau simple futur tense. Contoh : If I were you, I would study harder. 
Rumus Verbal 1:
(+) S+Would/should+Verb 1+O
(-)  S+Would/should+not+Verb 1+O
(?) Would/should+S+Verb 1+O?

Rumus Verbal 2:
(+) S+was/were+Going to+ Verb 1+O
(-)  S+was/were+not+Going to+ Verb 1+O
(?) Was/were+S+Going to+ Verb 1+O?

Examples :
(+) I would see Gea at the cafeteria at lunch.
(-)  I would not see Gea at the cafeteria at lunch.
(?) Would I see Gea at the cafeteria at lunch?

(+) They would visit us if they had enough money.
(-)  They would not visit us if they had enough money.
(?)  Would they visit us if they had enough money?

(+) She would get angry if her friends bothered her.
(-)  She would not get angry if her friends bothered her.
(?)  Would she get angry if her friends bothered her.

Rumus Non-verbal :
(+) S+Would/should+be+Complement.
(-)  S+Would/should+not+be+Complement.
(?) Would/should+she+be+Complement?

Example :
(+) She would be here for three minutes yesterday.
(-)  She would not be here for three minutes yesterday.
(?) Would she be here for three minutes yesterday?
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