

1. SIMAK UI/212
 performed in senayan indoor stadium during the 
school holiday , .....
A. many children ware attracted by the puppet
     show from spain
B. spain presented its puppet show to attract 
     many children
C. it was brought from spain a puppet show to 
     attract many children
D. the puppet show from spain attracted many
E. the puppeteers attracted many children to the

2. SIMAK UI/214
Corparations, companies  ... by many
stockholders rather that by a single proprietor,
began to play an important economic role in the 
late nineteenth century.
A. own
B. owned
C. owning
D. to be owned
E. to be owning
3. UMB/270
''I met Dr. Sitorus last week.''
''You mean the man ..... you the letter of
recommendation for your scholarship?''
A. give
B. to give
C. giving
D. given
E. to be giving

4. UMB/371
''What did the police find in the investigation?'
'The weapon ..... in the murder'
A. uses
B. used
C. that uses
D. that used
E. using

5. SIMAK UI/912
Encourage by the good result of the math test,
A. there will be two class sessions for math eachn 
B. today's math lesson has been cancelled
C. the results of the other subjects are also
D. the mant subject is getting easier and easier
E. my brother is now studying even harde than 
6. SIMAK UI/921
Entering the classroom, I saw my student .....
for the speech had to make.
A. practicing
B. were practicing
C. practiced
D. had practice
E. to practice

7. SIMAK UI/921
It's very unfortunate that some companies have
closed their plants in indonesia.''
''Well, this is just an example of the economic
problem ..... by the country
A. face
B. facing
C. to face
D. faced
E. were faced

8. SIMAK UI/931
I've just received a fax from the bookstore
that the latest varsion of the accounting book
wirtten by kelso will be avaible tomorrow.
A. to notife
B. notifying
C. to be notified
D. notified
E. notifies

9. SIMAK UI/951
Being manufactured domestically, ....
A. a foreign brand should not be given to the
B. the product should not be given a foreign 
C. the campany should not give the product a
     foreign brand
D. the product's brand should not be a foreign 
E. we should not give the product a foreign

10. SIMAK UI/207
Lest summer, he visited Nasau, a small but
vibrant city, a great range of desnger outlets
..... luxury goods at tax-free prices
A. that sells
B. sold
C. they sold
D. selling
E. to sell

11. SIMAK UI/304
I've just receivedd an email from the bookstore
..... that the newest harry potter novel will be
available next week.
A. to say
B. saying
C. which said
D. to be saying
E. said

Ornamented with traditional Balinese
carving, .....
A. many foreigen tourist are curious to visit the
B. the antiquity of the house is admired by
    many tourists
C. tourists guides often bring their gusts to
    visit the house
D. the owner of the house allows tourist to visit 
     and admire its beauty
E. the house of a local resident becomes an
    object of tourism

13. SMPB/R-1/110
...... , she was able to achieve what she had dreamed
A. Carefully did she plan her future
B. She planned her future carefully
C. Her future was planned with care
D. Her future  was carefully planned
E. having planned her future carefully

14. SPMB/R-II/310
A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, ...... firmly on the island shore, is frequently visited by foreign tourists. 
A. stand
B. stood
C. standing
D. to stand
E. are

15. SPMB/R-II/110
More than thirty teenagers ....... in front of the elevator at the Borobudur Hotel wanted to get a better view of the members of the Taiwanese boy band, called F4.
A. crowded
B. they were crowded
C. crowding
D. being crowded
E. to crowd

16. SNMPTN/Wil. Tengah & Timur/301
Invited to present a paper in a seminar, ...... 
A. Mr. Suryadi's soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee by email this morning
B. The committee was sent a file copy of the paper by email this morning
C. The soft copy of the paper was sent by Mr. Suryadi to committee by email this morning
D. An email with the soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee this morning
E. Mr. Suryadi sent the soft copy of the paper to the committee by email this morning

17. SPMB/R-III/312
Several individuals ........ different group have become united in their efforts to make the government cancel the increase of fuel prices. 
A. represent
B. to represent
C. they represent
D. representing
E. represented 

18. UM-UGM/121
"Having seen the movie before, I did not find it as exciting as it had been."
The above sentence means .... 
A. The movie is very interesting
B. She has watched the film at least twice
C. Because the movie was not exciting, she did not watch it again
D. She watched the movie and she did not like it
E. She likes watching movies

19. UM-UGM/121
In Biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life ..... all the components required for independent existence.
A. contains
B. is contained
C. it contains
D. containing
E. to be contained

20. UM-UGM/121
Digitalis is a drug ...... from the seed and leaves of a plant with the same name and a used as a cardiac stimulant.
A. prepares
B. which prepares
C. is propered
D. which is prepared
E. which prepared

21. UM-UGM/121
Having read the document carefully, ......
A. the manager signed it
B. the manager's signature was affixed
C. the document is signed by the manager
D. it was signed by the manager
E. the document that is signed by the the manager

22. SPMB/R-I/470
Wanting to get more customer to use its service, ...... 
A. there are bonuses given by Bank Arya on customers' deposit
B. customer get bonuses on their deposits from Bank Arya
C. customers' deposit are given bonuses by Bank Arya
D. Bank Arya is giving bonuses on its customers' deposits
E. customers are given bonuses on their deposits by Bank Arya

23. SPMB/R-1-721
Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, ........ 
A. the government cooperate with related education centers
B. there is cooperation between government and related education centers
C. the establishment of cooperation between government and related education centers has been released
D. cooperation between government and related education centers has been established between the government and related centers of education
E. it is necessary to establish cooperation between the government and related centers of education

24. SPMB/R-I=-I/721
 Displayed at the international Trade Fair, ...... 
A. Indonesia handcrafts received a lot of attention from European importers
B. European importers were attracted by the Indonesian handicrafts on display
C. a lot of attention was given to Indonesian handicrafts on display
D. the display of the handicrafts at the trade fair attracted a lot of attention
E. Indonesian received a lot of attention from European importers due to its handicrafts

25. SPMB/R-II/270
Inspired by the recent natural disasters, ........ 
A. sad and sentimental songs are composed
B. composers produced sad and sentimental songs
C. there are compositions of sad and sentimental songs
D. the composition includes sad and sentimental songs
E. the result is the composition of sad and sentimental songs

26. UMPTN/R-A/32
Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for people ...... near airports.
A. live
B. be living
C. living
D. they lived
E. they are living

27. SNMPTN/Wil. Barat/111
..... the biggest star in the sky. the Dog Star has an absolute magnitude about twenty-three times that of the sun. 
A. To be
B. Being
C. It is
D. Be
E. Which is

28. UMPTN/R-B/34
The young men ....... by this institute are all university graduates. 
A. employ
B. employed
C. to employ
D. employing
E. be employing

29. UMPTN/R-C/23
Annoyed by the speaker's remarks, Hadi got up and left the room.
This means that the speaker's words .......
A. be annoying
B. were annoyed
C. annoyed
D. to be annoyed
E.were ennoying 

30. UMPTN/R-A/23
A few days after the interview, I received a letter ...... me the job.
A. he offered
B. offered
C. being offered
D. offering
E.  it was offering

31. UMPTN/R-C/23
Two of my friends ..... in the shcool fight last weekend have been arrested by the police.
A. they were involved
B. involved
C. to be involved
D. involving
E. were involved

32. UMPTN/R-A/33
Trying hard to win the beauty contest. Ita neglected all her school assignments.
The underlined words means: ' ...... very hard to win the beauty contest.'
A. if she tried
B. Although she tried
C. Before she tried
D. Since she tried
E. After she tried

33. UMPTN/R-C/23
........ by not more than 40 families. Kampung Naga is a unique village in West Java
A. Inhabit
B. To inhabit
C. Inhabited
D. Inhabitant
E. Inhabiting 

34. UMPTN/R-A/43
The work ..... computers requires well-trained
A. involved
B. involve
C. to be involved
D. involves
E. involving
35. UMPTN/R-A/43
'Having been defeated there times in a row, the
boxer decided to give up fighting' means; ..... .
A. Although he has defeated theree times in a
    row, the decided to give up fighting
B. He decided to give up fighting after he had 
     been defeated three times in a row
C. As he had decided to give up fighting, he 
     was defeated three times in a row
D. He decided to give up fighting, so he was
     defeated three times in a row
E.When he decided to give up fighting, he was
    defeated three times in a row

36. UMPTN/R-C/31
Noticing I had dropped my purse, .....
A. the bus condutor called after me
B. I was called after by the bus conductor
C. it was the bus conductor who called after me
D. there was the bus conductor calling after me
E.the bus conductor was called after me

 37. UMPTN/R-A/31 
Having switched off the lights, ....
A. it was the door the he locked
B. the door was locked
C. this locked the door
D. the door was locked behind him
E.he locked the door

38. UMPTN/R-A/14
...... at two prestigious universities, Amanda
has a hard time deciding which one to choose.
A. Accepting
B. She was accepted
C. Accepted
D. To be accepted
E. She was

39. UMPTN/R-B/31
Slowly and carefully the  police entered the dense
forest ..... the robbers' hiding place
A. surround
B. whicd surrounding
C. surrounding
D. is surrounding
E. surrounds
40. UMPTN/R-B/31
Running down the stairs, she slipped and broke
her leg the underlined words mean: .... down
the stair.
A. while she was running
B. because she was running
C. as she would run
D.After she had  run
E. in order that she could run

41. UMPTN/R-C/63
Not wanting to take the risk of missing the train. We went to the station very early. The underline words means: ....... 'did not want to take a risk of missing the train.
A. Although we
B. When we
C. Because we
D. If we
E. In order that we

42. UMPTN/R-B/53
....... a few million rupiahs, he went on tour to Europe. 
A. Saved
B. Have saved
C. He has saved
D. Having saved
E.After he saves

43. UMPTN/R-B/53
After the students had completed the test, they handed in their paper and left the room.
We can also say:
.... the test, the students handed in their paper and left the room. 
A. Completing
B. To have completed
C. Completed
D. Having completed
E. To have completed

44. UMPTN/R-A/63
Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the exercises. 
The underlined words mean: ..... they forgot to finish the exercises.
A. Although they talked excitedly
B. In order that they could talk excitedly
C. Because they were talking excitedly
D. When they had talk excitedly
E. If they talk excitedly

45. UMPTN/R-A/53
Being an outstanding student of our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia. 
The underlined words means: ' ....... of our school.'
A. If he is an outstanding student
B. Although he is an outstanding student
C. When he is an outstanding student
D. As he is an outstanding student
E. Before he is an outstanding student

46. UMPTN/R-A/46
Not earning enough to support her children after her husband's death, .....
A. the woman decided to work in Saudi Arabia
B. a better-paid job is definetely required
C. her children need to be trained to work
D. special training is is required to improve her skills
E.her children should be put into an orphanage

47. UMPTN/R-A/46
Having finished their exam, ......
A. the books must returned to the library
B. the library requires the books to be returned
C. the library requires students to return the books
D. the students must return the books to the library
E. it is required that students return the books to library

48. UMPTN/R-B/15
'Who was realeased from prison in Beijing?'
'Wei Jingsheng ..... political opponent'
A. is a leading
B. to be leader
C. who is the leader
D. he leads
E. a leading 

49. UMPTN/R-A/240
Trying to smuggle things into the country, the criminals were caugh by custom officials at the airport.
The underlined words means: ....... to smuggle drugs into the country.
A. When the criminal were trying
B. Although the custom officials have tried
C. Before the smuggle tried
D. Because the customs officials were trying
E. Until the criminals were trying 

50. UMPTN/R-B/140
The importantce of the laser lies in the great variety of its uses and the great number of benefits ..... in the field of medicine.
A. is expected
B. expected
C. it expected
D. expecting
E. to expect

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