Comparison Degree of Adjective

Comparative and Superlative (Tingkat lebih dan paling)
        untuk membentuk comparartive (Tingkat lebih.....dari pada) menggunakan
pola Adjective + er (adjective yg 1-2 suku kata) :

  • Big = big (1)
  • small = small (1)
  • long = long (1)
  • simple = sim-ple (2) 
  • happy = ha -ppy (2)

 dan more + adjective (3 dan lebih suku-katanya) :

  • Beautiful = beau-ti-ful (3)
  • interesting = in -teres-ting (3)
  • attractive = att-rac-tive (3)

Untuk membentuk superlative (tingkat paling) menggunakan pola the + adjective + est (adjective yg 1-2 suku kata) :

  • The smallest 
  • The whitest
  • The collest

 the most + djective (3 dan lebih suku-katanya) :

  • The most handsome man is him.
  • The most attractive woman is her
  • The moat beuatiful woman is her.

Contoh adjectives:
  • Big - Bigger....than - The biggest
  • Smart - Smarter....than - The smartest
  • Small - Smaller....than - The smallest
  • Interesting - More interesting - The most interesting
  • Beautiful - More beautiful - The most beautiful
  • Attractive - More attractive - The most attractive
 Pengecualian degree of comparison:
  1. Good - Better - The best 
  2. Bad - Worse - The worst 
  3. Far - Farther - The farthest (hanya untuk jarak)
  4. Further - Furthest (hanya untuk luas)
  5. Little - Less - The least
  1. Ari' hand made is good but Diana's hand made is better than Ari's.
  2. Anton money is less than Dea's money.
  3. Tia's drowing is the worst among other drawings. 
  4. My cousin house is farther than my house from the school.
  5. I love the furthest house for me.

Contoh Kalimat:  
  1.  I am 160cm height and my friend 170cm height. My friend is taller than me. 
  2.  There are twenty students in the classroom but Deny is the most discipline student among all. 
  3.  Mira's shoes are cost $24 and mine is $22. My shoes are cheaper than Mira's.
  4.  The Yellow book is more expensive than the green book.
  5.  Qiana buys the bigger bag than Wisnu's bag
  6.  Faul gives his the most interesting comic to his little brother. 
Equality adjective (Tingkat kesetaraan):
       Tingkat kesetaraan memiliki pola as+adjective+as yang bertujuan untuk menyamakan nilai suatu benda melalui adjective. Seperti as good as, as tall as, as big as, as beautiful as, etc. 

Contoh kalimat: 
  • Nikita Willy is as beautiful as Karnia  (Nikita Willy secantik Karnia)
  • My house is as big as your house (Rumahku sebesar rumahmu) 
  • Andi is as tall as Gani (Andi setinggi Gani)
  • Ariel Tatum as young as Maudy Ayunda (Ariel Tatum seusia Maudy Ayunda)
  • Bali is as big as Lombok.

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