Comparative and Superlative (Tingkat lebih dan paling)
untuk membentuk comparartive (Tingkat lebih.....dari pada) menggunakan
pola Adjective + er (adjective yg 1-2 suku kata) :
- Big = big (1)
- small = small (1)
- long = long (1)
- simple = sim-ple (2)
- happy = ha -ppy (2)
dan more + adjective (3 dan lebih suku-katanya) :
- Beautiful = beau-ti-ful (3)
- interesting = in -teres-ting (3)
- attractive = att-rac-tive (3)
Untuk membentuk superlative (tingkat paling) menggunakan pola the + adjective + est (adjective yg 1-2 suku kata) :
- The smallest
- The whitest
- The collest
the most + djective (3 dan lebih suku-katanya) :
- The most handsome man is him.
- The most attractive woman is her
- The moat beuatiful woman is her.
Contoh adjectives:
- Big - Bigger....than - The biggest
- Smart - Smarter....than - The smartest
- Small - Smaller....than - The smallest
- Interesting - More interesting - The most interesting
- Beautiful - More beautiful - The most beautiful
- Attractive - More attractive - The most attractive
- Good - Better - The best
- Bad - Worse - The worst
- Far - Farther - The farthest (hanya untuk jarak)
- Further - Furthest (hanya untuk luas)
- Little - Less - The least
- Ari' hand made is good but Diana's hand made is better than Ari's.
- Anton money is less than Dea's money.
- Tia's drowing is the worst among other drawings.
- My cousin house is farther than my house from the school.
- I love the furthest house for me.
Contoh Kalimat:
- I am 160cm height and my friend 170cm height. My friend is taller than me.
- There are twenty students in the classroom but Deny is the most discipline student among all.
- Mira's shoes are cost $24 and mine is $22. My shoes are cheaper than Mira's.
- The Yellow book is more expensive than the green book.
- Qiana buys the bigger bag than Wisnu's bag
- Faul gives his the most interesting comic to his little brother.
Tingkat kesetaraan memiliki pola as+adjective+as yang bertujuan untuk menyamakan nilai suatu benda melalui adjective. Seperti as good as, as tall as, as big as, as beautiful as, etc.
Contoh kalimat:
- Nikita Willy is as beautiful as Karnia (Nikita Willy secantik Karnia)
- My house is as big as your house (Rumahku sebesar rumahmu)
- Andi is as tall as Gani (Andi setinggi Gani)
- Ariel Tatum as young as Maudy Ayunda (Ariel Tatum seusia Maudy Ayunda)
- Bali is as big as Lombok.
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