Expressions of Asking for Permissions.

Asking for Permission 
  • May I use your dictionary, please?
  • Can I turn on the TV, Mom?
  • Do you mind if I sit here?
  • Could I submit the assignment tomorrow morning?
  • Would you allow me to leave the meeting?
  • Sure, here it is.
  • Yes, of course.
  • Not at all, please.
  • O.K., but before the bell rings.
  • Sure, you may leave.  
  • Sorry. I am using it now.
  • Sorry, dear. You should study now.
  • Sorry. It's already occupied.
  • Sorry, you have to submit it today.
  • Sorry, but the meeting is very important. 
 Let's see the examples of the dialogue below!
Mr. Yoko  : O.K., class. Are you ready for the test?
Student     : Yes, Sir.
Edo           : Excuse me, Sir.
Mr. Yoko  : Yes, Edo. What is it?
Edo           : May I leave the room, Sir? I need to go to the toilet. 
Mr. Yoko  : Sure, but please don't be long. We'll start the test in a minute.
Edo          : Yes, Sir. Thanks.
Mr. Yoko   : You are welcome.

Dialog 2
Kinar       : Excuse me, Sir.
Mr. Jati    : Yes, Kinar, what can I do for you?
Kinar       : May I take the encyclopedia into my class, Sir?
Mr. Jati    : I am sorry, Kinar, you may not. You can only read the encyclopedias in this room. 
Kinar       : But I need it to finish my homework now.
Mr. Jati    : If that's so, you may copy the material you need. Of course you have to pay for it.
Kinar       : I see. Well, please copy the materials between the pages 34  and 38, Sir.
Mr. Jati    : O.K., please wait.
Kinar       :  Yes, Sir. 

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