Greeting Cards

We write and send greeting cards to people on special occasions, such as birthday, graduation, holidays, marriage, etc. We also use greeting cards to express our gratitude, hopes, prayers, or wishes for the recipients.
There are many kinds of greeting card. For examples, here are the expressions used in greeting cards.

  •  Happy birthday! Wish you all the best.
  • Happy 14th birthday! Wish all your dreams come true.
  • Happy Mother Day! Best wishes for you, dearest Mom!
  • Happy Wedding Day! Lots of love for the newly-married couple.
  • Congratulation on your new house! May it give you happiness and prosperity.
  • Congratulation on your graduation! Hopefully, you are accepted in a favorite school.
  • Congratulation for your new birth! Hope the baby boy bring a lots of joy and happiness.
Condolences and sympathy
  • I am sorry for your loss. My your grandparents Rest in Peace.
  • I hope for you speedy recovery.
  • May the love of the family help you overcome your loss.

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