Latihan Soal SMA kelas 2 semester 1

Read text 1 to answer questions number 1 to 03

         In summer, the amount of daylight that we get is more than that in winter. This is not because some people think we are closer to the sun but because of the tilt of the earth.
         The earth is actually closer to the sun in winter that it is in the summer but you would be forgiven for thinking that this cannot be true after looking out of your window on a cold and frosty morning. It seems strange that as the earth gets closer to the sun during its orbit, the amount of daylight that we get and so does the length of time that the sun is above the horizon.

1. What does the text mostly talk about?
    a. The effect of the lilt of the earth on daylight
    b. The distance between the earth and the sun
    c. The amount of daylight in winter
    d. Summer and winter
    e. Orbit of the earth

2. We get more daylight in summer doe to....
    a. the length of time
    b. the lilt of the earth
    c. the orbit of the earth
    d. the horizon's being below the sun
    e. the earth being closer to the sun

3. The purpose of the text is....
    a. to explain the reason of the different amount of daylight
    b. to prove that the earth is close to the sun
    c. to tell that winter is cooler than summer
    d. to show the process of daylight
    e. to describe summer

Read text 2 to answer questions number 4 to 7

        Calcium is one of the most important and abundant minerals in body. Besides providing the skeletal structure for bones and teeth, calcium plays a key role many other day to day function of the body. Calcium is important for the normal clotting of the blood, the conductor of nerve impulses, and the construction and relaxation of muscles and blood vessels as well as the regulation of body fluids, including hormones and enzymes.
        In fact, calcium is so important that your body has a feedback system to maintain calcium at a constant level. Your body has a similar system for sodium and potassium, too. Whenever that blood and bodily functions need more calcium, it is pulled from your bones, where it is stroke, where it is stored.
        Your body can not make your own calcium, so the only way to get enough is to eat calcium-rich foods. And if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you can end up with weakened bones, Increasing the risk for fractures later in life

4. What does the text tell us about?
     a. Calcium deficiency
     b. How to get calcium
     c. The formation of calcium
     d. The important of calcium
     e. The feedback system of the body
5. Since our body can't make its own calcium need to.....
     a. go on diet to reduce weight
     b. consume calcium-rich food
     c. end up with weakened bones
     d. increase the risk for fractures
     e. pull the calcium from our bone

6. Where is the calcium stored?
     a. In the bone
     b. In the blood
     c. In the body fluits
     d. In the feedback system
     e. In the hormones and enzymes

7.  We need calcium to......
     a. increase the hormones
     b. enlarge the nerve impulse
     c. strengthen our toot and bone
     d. fulfill the supply body liquid
     e. construct the enzymes

The  following text is for questions 08 to 12

        By experimenting and combinations of chemicals, manufactures have produced a wide variety of effective dusts and sprays to control plants pest. some, such us those containing pyrethrum, work well and no harm to people, pets and birds. There are other that contain stronger chemicals, such as DDT, melathon, diazinon, and chlordane. these can be extremely dangerous if not properly used.
       The first thing to do in dealing with plants pest is to seek the proper advice. Trained salesman in garden stores can supply should be obtained from government agricultural department offices.

8. What does the first paragraph tell us about?
     a. Dust and spray to control plant pest
     b. Combination of chemical
     c. DDT and melathion
     d. Diazinon and chlordane
     e. People, pets and birds

9. "The first thing to do in dealing with plants pest is to seek the proper advice"
     The underlined words mean....
     a. to look out
     b. to look into
     c. to look for
     d. to look at
     e. to look up

10. "The first thing to do in dealing with plants pest is to seek the proper advice"
       The underlined words meaning is.....
     a. correct product
     b. valuable information
     c. complicated one
     d. additional information
     e. stubborn one

11. Which one is harmless to people and animals?
     a. DDT
     b. melathion
     c. diazinon
     d. chlordane
     e. pyrethrum

12. ".................additional advice should be obtained from government agricultural department offices" (paragraph 2)           
      What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
    a. got
    b. done
    c. given
    d. brought
    e. reached

Read the following text to answer questions 13 to 17.

         Cassava is the staple food of millions of people in Africa, Asia, and Shout and Central America. Its swollen tuberous root can be boiled and mashed or grated to produce a meal known as 'farinha' in Brazil and 'garri' in Nigeria. Which can be cooked in small cakes. The root is also the sources of the manufactured commodity, tapioca. A small field planted with cassava can be insurance against famine, because the crop can be left in the ground for two or three years without deterioration of tubers. But recent findings suggest that cassava may be responsible for the birth defect.
       It has other serious disadvantages. The tuber consist almost entirely of starch and are particularly low in protein, so dependence of cassava leads to serious malnutrition. To make matter worse, some varieties, when grown under certain condition of soil and climate, develop a high acid content and become extremely poisonous to people and livestock if eaten raw. These tubers have to be well-prepared for consumption by prolonged and repeated boiling.

13. The topic of the text is about?
      a. Cassava, the sources of various kinds of meals
      b. the advantages and disadvantages of cassava
      c. characteristic of people consuming cassava
      d. the staple food for in developing countries
      e.  malnutrition, the effect of eating cassava

14. People can rely on cassava in time of famine because.......
     a. Cassava can grow in any climate throughout in the year
     b. it can be manufactured into flour called tapioca
     c.  the tubes can last for more than one year as long as they are not pulled out
     d.  it is the most important food in many parts of the world
     e.  it can be stored for a long time without being rotten

15. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
    a. Farinha and Daride are other names oil cassava
    b. Being low in protein, cassava may caused malnutrition
    c.  Some cassava should not be eaten because they are poisonous
    d.  People consuming only cassava for long periods of thine may engender their health
    e.  Particular condition of soil and climate can make cassava poisonous

16. It is likely that doctors will advice pregnant women no to eat too much cassava for fear that.....
     a. they will be deformed
     b. the flutes will not develop
     c. their bodies will become crippled
     d. their babies' blood will be poisoned
     e.  their babies may have malformed brains

17. We may conclude that the writer.......
    a. suggests that cassava is a good alternative for staple food
    b. wants to tell people to stop eating cassava
    c.  shows how people in developing countries live
    d. warns the readers of the danger of consuming too much cassava
    e. explain the effect of food shortage in developing countries

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 22.

         Hydroponics is the term used to describe the several ways in which plants can be raised without soil. These methods, also known generally as soilless gardening include raising plants in containers filled with water on any of other nonsoil medium-including gravel, sand. Verruculite and other more exotic medium, such as crushed rocks of brick, and shards of cinder blocks.
        There are several excellent reasons for replacing soil with a sterile medium. Soil-borne pests and diseases are immediately eliminated, as weeds are and the labour involved is reduced.
        More important, raising plants in a nonsoil medium will allow to grow more plants in a limited amount of space. Food crops will mature more rapidly and produce greater yields. Water and fertilizer are conserved, since the can see reused. In addition, hydroponics allow you to exert greater control over plants, to insure more uniform result.
      All of this is possible by the relation of a plant with its growing medium. It isn't soil that plant need-it's the reserves of nutrients and moisture container in the soil, as well as the support of the soil renders the plant.  Any growing medium will give adequate support. The methods of hydroponics gardening developed over the past forty five years can be divided into categories defined by the medium in which the plants are grown. In water culture, the plants are grown only in water, or in a water and nutrient solution. Sand culture calls raising plant in sterile sand, into which a water and nutrient solution is pumped. Aggregate culture replaces the sand, instead of using one of the materials such as gravel vermiculite, and retaining the method of pumping water and nutrient solution into the material. Finally, there are numbers of experimental or unorthodox techniques.
       Hydroponics units have been used to replace the conventional benches in a green house, and soil-borne pests and diseases are avoided.

18. Why is hydroponic known as soilless gardening?
     a. Plants can only be raised in soil
     b. Plants can raise without should
     c. Soil in the garden needs much water
     d. Garden is not provided by nonsoil medium
     e. Crushed rocks or bricks are hard for plants

19. What must be given regularly to the plants raised by hydroponics units?
     a. Gravel and sand
     b. Sand and brick
     c. Water and fertilizer
     d. Sand and vermiculite
     e. Crushed rock and bricks

20. Food crops from hydroponics can be harvested earlier. This information can be found in paragraph.....
     a. 2
     b. 3
     c. 4
     d. 5
     e. 6

21. Which of the following statement is correct according to the text?
     a. Water and fertilizer cannot be reused
     b. Soil-borne pests develop in hydroponics
     c.  Raising plant in a nonsoil medium is possible
     d. Plants are categorized according to their container
     e. Hydroponics gardening can be operated in limited space

22. Soil-borne pests and disease are immediately eliminated (paragraph 2), The underlined word means.....       
      a. handled
      b. removed
      c. stopped
      d. destroyed

Read the following text to answer questions 23 to 25.

        The circuit tester pen is used for testing circuits, finding a fault in a circuit and tell which wires are dead and which one are alive. The circuit tester pen looks similar to a screwdriver but is held like a pen. A circuit is made up of a source of energy, for example a battery with one capable leading off from the positive terminal and another capable which leads off from the negative terminal and there is an application at the end for example a light bulb, a pump, motor, etc.
       If you have a big circuit board and it isn't working you know it must be one of the wires or else it's the application. The way you'd find out would be able to clip the alligator clip (which in on the end of the wire leading from the circuit tester pen) to some part of circuit you know should have the electric current passing through. When then tip of the tester has been placed to another part of circuit, a neon light will immediately light up if the wire both alive. After you have gone through all of the wire and all of them are alive, then it must be the application that has the result. So it proves that the circuit tester pen is really for illuminating faults.

23. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
      a. A light bulb shows where the fault is
      b. Battery is used as a source of energy
      c. The circuit tester pen is used for testing circuits.
      d. A circuit tester pen looks similar to a screwdriver
      e. A circuit tester pen tells what the cause of the fault

24. What is the purpose of the text?
     a. To explain the readers how a circuit tester pen works
     b. To persuade the readers to use a circuit tester pen
     c. To inform the readers what a circuit tester pen in
     d. To tell how the circuit tester pen finds the fault
     e. To describe what a circuit tester pen looks like

25. "So it proves that the circuit tester pen is really for illuminating faults." (paragraph 2)
       The underlined word means......
     a. establishing
     b. resonating
     c. confusing
     d. clarifying
     e. purifying

The following text is for questions 26 to 28

        Irrigation is a system that provides water to cultivate plants. This water management has been done by human science ancient times. But, like every other thing, irrigation has its advantages and disadvantages.
        Irrigation has been a very beneficial process for farmers, especially those in the dry countries. Without irrigation there could not be farming in dry regions. Huge areas of rich land which are now covered with productive farms and support support prosperous communities would be still wasteland and desert, a land of cactus and sagebrush, coyotes and jack rabbit.
       The chief of problem is caused by continuous irrigation. Nearly all irrigation water, whether it is from the ground or from a river, contains a little bit of salt. Where drainage is bad, the water can reach the root level, and the concentrate salt can make plants growth almost impossible. 
      This problem has happened in some irrigated areas such as along the Murray river, where the land is now seriously affected by salinity from the flood-and-furrow areas of the Riverina and northern Victoria. Such land may eventually be of limited use for agricultural. These are only some of the many problems caused by irrigation. Other problems are not as major as those already mentioned but are enough to cause problem. Any changes even if it is only minor can change the rivers behavior causing floods and  other problems.
       In Australia agricultural makes a large part of overseas profit, 57% of Australia's export is agricultural products. To grow crops, there must be irrigation to wet the land. So irrigation brings a lot of good effects.

26. The main idea of the third paragraph is.....
     a. continuous irrigation causes problem
     b. Irrigation make plants do not grow ell
     c. the water used for irrigation contains salt
     d. drainage causes the salt concentrated
     e. the water used for irrigation is from wells and rivers
27. The communicative purpose of the text is to inform the readers that........
      a. salt is harmful to land
      b. bad drainage causes flood
      c. salinity makes the soil fertile
      d. irrigation may cause problems, instead of its benefit.
      e. continuous irrigation in undated farm failed

28. "Such land may eventually be of limited use for agricultural".
       What the underlined word means?
       a. finally
       b. probably
       c. eternally
       d. straightly
       e. ceaselessly

Read the following text to answer questions 29 to 32.

           Gorillas are the largest of the apes inhabiting your planed, have been a source of awe an inspiration to humans science centuries. Unfortunately though, they are on the verge of extinction today. Here is a bit about the flight of these and endangered primates.
           Gorlillas are huge, hairy, terrestrial primates belonging to the genius gorilla. They are primarily herbivorous mammals feeding on pith, lives and fruits, although there are certain sub-species such as eastern lowland Gorrilas that also it insect and thus fall under the category of omnivores. Gorillas inhabit the forests of central Africa, after chimpanzees are the process relative of humans. Sadly though, today the remain only about 700 gorillas in the African Jungles hence have been listed as 'endangered' (eastern gorillas) and 'critically endangered  (western gorillas) species by the international Union for conservation of nature (IUCN).
          There are only two species of gorillas found in the world but each of these is further divided into different sub species. As mentioned above, they are found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Africa, which from there nature habitats. They inhabit the mountain as well as terrains laying as low as sea level.

29. Some gorillas are categorized as omnivores because....
      a. they only eat leaves and fruits
      b. they prefer eating fruits to insects
      c. they sometimes eat pith and fruits
      d. their staple food are leaved and fruits
      e. they eat pith, leaves, fruits and insects

30. The text mainly talks about.....
      a. huge gorillas
      b. the genius gorillas
      c. endangered gorillas
      d. various gorillas species
      e. conversation of gorillas

31. To avoid from extinction, the government should......gorillas.
      a. protect
      b. move
      c. breed
      d. exile
      e. treat

32. What is the purpose of the text?
      a. To describe gorillas to the readers
      b. To entertain the readers about gorillas
      c. To present two points of view about gorillas
      d. To tell the readers about omnivores gorillas
      e. To persuade the readers to keep gorillas as pets

Rearrange  the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph!

1. Certain compounds of salts, spices, and resins were used to preserve the corpse,
      which was later wrapped a fine linen cloth and then encased in a wooden box
      before being placed in a sarcophagus.             
2. So scientists have had to examine mummies and establish their own theories.
3. The scientists left no written account as to the execution of this process.
4. The embalming process might have taken up to seventy days for nobles and only
     a few for the poor.
5. Because Egyptian believed in life after death, they mummified the body to preserve it from decay.

33. The right arrangement of the sentence above is......
     a. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
     b. 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
     c. 5, 1, 4, 3, 2
     d. 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
     e. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5

Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blanks!

          Singapore enjoys fair weather throughout the year. There are no typhoons or severe tropical storms. However, it is still important to collect information on the weather in the .............. (34).
           ...........(35) aircraft and ships stationed at sea report any change in weather condition more data is gathered from meteorological  stations in Singapore and neighboring countries. 
          Weather...........(36) are then made from this information. These are broadcast four times daily on radio and television.

34. a. sea       b. land        c. palce         d. region        e. country

35. a. Odd     b. Space      c. Regular     d. Special       e. Commercial

36. a. notes    b. points      c. monitor     d. forecast      e. announcement

The following numbers are nor related to the text!
37. 'To move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe is to.......
      a. move on
      b. avoid
      c. run away
      d. evacuate
      e. shift away

38. Narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two large bodies of water.
      a. coastline
      b. strait
      c. bay
      d. gulf
      e. peninsula

39. Say in advance what is likely to happen.
     a. foresee
     b. prerequisite
     c. capture
     d. guide
     e. maybe

40. The following words have the same meaning with tool, except......
      a. device
      b. instrument
      c. utility
      d. means
      e. equipment

41. The 'seek' has similar meaning with........
      a. look out
      b. look for
      c. look in
      d. look after
      e. look ahead

42. The following words have the same meaning with inhabit, except.......
      a. dwell
      b. stay
      c. settle
      d. occupy
      e. living

43. The Indonesian word 'lereng' has similar meaning with the English word......
      a. babique
      b. sideways
      c. slope
      d. aslant
      e. angle

44. The Indonesian word 'lambat' has similar meaning with the English word......
      a. low
      b. speedy
      c. nomatodes
      d. clumsy
      e. slug

45. Daru : What are you going to do after leaving the college?
      Dimas : Well, I don't want to be jobless. So I am...... get a job soon.
       a. would like
       b. planning
       c. going to
       d. thinking of
       e. intending

46. I was sleeping when my father........the announcement about me in the radio.
      a. hear
      b. heard
      c. was hearing
      d. hears
      e. will hear

47. 'Anwar was promoted president of your company last week, wasn't he?
      ' I am glad he was; this company for years.
        a. worked
        b. had worked
        c. was working
        d. had been working
        e. would work

48. A taxi driver who witnessed the accident took my injured brother to the hospital                                    
      and then........ my parents.
     a. was calling
     b. call
     c. calling
     d. called
     e. to call

49. Because of the on going dispute, the politicians rest the president's ............                                           
     for hearing the session on a cabinet reshuffles.
    a. to call
    b. called
    c. calls
    d. calling
    e. be calling

50. Paper folding handicraft is part of Chinese funeral rites.
      The synonym of the underlined word is.......
    a. burial
    b. carried
    c. comfort
    d. fired
    e. found

51. He also has to strike the "kechrek" (rattle).
      'strike' means......
    a. if not
    b. strain
    c. punch
    d. continuously
    e. gleam

52. I............ so much to Fatimah because she provides me with a lot of interesting books.
     a. obey
     b. owe
     c. departed spirit
     d. maintain
     e. sacred

53. At this present time, the beautiful woman with high-heeled shoes standing                                      
      in front of the financial building opposite the book shop.........her husband.
     a. was waiting
     b. is waiting
     c. waited
     d. has been waiting
     e. waits
54. Lia was inadequate in doing mathematics,..... she got a difficult question of arithmetic.
     a. or
     b. unless
     c. otherwise
     d. while
     e. moreover

55. Doctor  : Ma'am, if you really want to reduce your weight,........
      Patient  : Alright, Doctor, I'll try.
     a. you may not eat too many snacks every day
     b. you might not eat too many snacks every day
     c. you should not eat too many snacks every day
     d. you could not eat too many snacks every day
     e. you can not eat too many snacks every day

56. Santi  : Mom, I couldn't my white shirt.
      Mom  : ...............
      Santi  : Ok, I'll try.
      a. You should paint it white
      b.You should rinse it thoroughly
      c. You should buy another t-shirt
      d. You shouldn't wear it anymore
      e. You should just deal with it

57. X  : We'll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
      Y  : ...........
      X  : I hove you have a nice trip.
      a. I am thinking of gooing to Bali
      b. Sorry, I cannot tell you
      c. It's not your business
      d. I have nothing to do
      e. I don't know what to do

Read the invitation to answer questions 58 to 60!
Blick Shared Studio 

Friday, 3 December 7p.m.

You are invited to turn up, tune up, or just chill-out to the sound
of some great local talent at Blick's Acoustic Night this Friday evening.
Bring your friends, your drinks, and your delectables.

Set from Ben Craig + Open Mic

There is always something going on at Blick.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
To keep up-to-date

51 Malone Road

Belfast, BT9 6RY View map

58. What event showed in the poster?
     a. Club night
     b. Acoustic
     c. Music show
     d. Fashion show
     e. Demonstrative show

59. When the event be held?
     a. Friday, 3 December 7pm
     b. Saturday, 3 November 7pm
     c. Friday, 3 September 7pm
     d. Friday, 3 July 7pm
     e. Saturday, 2 November 7pm

60. Where is the event located?
       a. Melbourne
       b. New York
       c. Melone Road
       d. Jakarta
       e. View map

:) :) :)

