Latihan soal SMA kelas 2 semester 1

Read the following dialog to answer questions 1 to 2

Dono  : Are you OK, Shita? You look worried. Do you need any help?
Shita   : I can't remember where I put my dictionary. I have an English class after the break.
             What should I do ?
Dono  : Why don't you use mine? I don't have English class today, so I am not going to use it.
Shite   : Thank you so much, Dono! You are my savior.
Dono  : You are welcome.

1. The sentence that express an offer is...........
     A. Are you Ok, Shita?
     B. Do you need any help?
     C. What should I do ?
     D. Why don't you use mine?
     E. You are welcome.

2. The sentence that expresses an advice is..........
    A. You are my sevior
    B. Do you need any help?
    C. What should I do ?
    D. Why don't you use mine?
    E. Thank you so much

For questions 3 to 5, complete the dialogs with the correct expression!
3. Glenn  : You look so busy, Alex. .....
    Alex    : No, I don't bother, really I can manage myself.

   A. Can you help me?
   B. I kind of need help here
   C. Here's a hand for you
   D. That's very nice
   E. Need some help

4. Mr. Quincy  : Excuse me, Mr. Bond. We are going to hold a thanksgiving                                
                          dinner this evening. Would like to come?
    Mr. Bond     : ...... I won't be here this evening?

   A. I would love too
   B. I am sorry, I can't come
   C. I'll be there
   D. That's a very nice of you
   E. No, I don't mind

 5. Tari   : What should I do for this headache ?
     Heni  : .......... I saw you were having a chat with Susan till late at night last night.
    Tari    : Thanks for your advice.

   A. If I were you, I wouldn't eat too much ice cream.
   B. Why don't you eat fruit?
   C. Maybe you should sleep for a while.
   D. I think you should drink medicine
   E. You should go jogging.

The following text is for questions 6 to 7!
 But, first more people......(6) need to be persuaded to eat them. Jan low, with the international Potato Center, a research organization, says the sweet potato needs a better image in Africa. Ms. Low explains that sweet potatoes are mainly.........(7) by poor women to feed their families in case another crop fails. The sweet potatoes commonly grown in Africa have white or yellow flesh. But, more importantly, they are low in vitamin A.

6. A. may
    B. should
    C. will
    D. could
    E. must

7. A. will grow
    B. may grow
    C. grown
    D. should have grown
    E. must grow

 The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

The zoo director
Roaningham zoo

1 will street
Freetown 30780

Dear sir.
I am concerned about the animals that are kept in zoos. I think all the zoos in the world should be shut down because they are terrible places for animals to live in.

Animals should be free to run in the whild and not be kept in the zoos. It is very disturbing to see animals crammed up inside cages that are to small for them. The enclosures are very exciting either. 
They do not look like the places. The animals came from of can be comfortable in. For instance, animals like tiger, elephants and penguins live in enclosures with concrete floors.

Animals get bored in their enclosures and cages as they have nothing to do. They are also distressed. They walk up and down in the same path or around and around inside cages day after day, looking dreadfully sad.

Animals in captivity cannot behave as they would in the wild. It is unnatural for wild animals to have food given to them. Animals kept in zoos are deprived of their natural behavior or chasing other animals for food.

Some animals are in dangers of becoming extinct. As zoo animals are not living in their natural environment. Many of them have difficulty in production. Even when their young are born, the young do not always survive.

This causes an even greater risk of some animals becoming extinct.
I believe you wouldn’t want your family to be locked in a cage for the rest of their lives. Therefore, please do something about the zoo animals now-set the animals free!

Your sincerely
Ivor Lee

8. The writer of the letter suggested that...........
    A. Zoos should be closed
    B. people should keep zoo animals
    C. animals should be kept on concrete floors
    D. animals should be locked in a cage
    E. young animals should chase other animals for food

9. Which one is the reason to persuade you that the writer is right?
    A. Animals are now-set free
    B. Animals get bored in their enclosures
    C. Animals have difficulty in reproduction
    D. Animals should be free to run in the wild
    E. Animals cannot behave in zoos as they would in the wild

10. Some animals are in danger of becoming extinct.
      What is the meaning of the underlined world?
    A. Continue living
    B. Send away
    C. No longer active
    D. No longer in existence
    E. Beyond what is expected

The following dialog is for questions 11 to 13.

Dono  : I am going to have a birthday party, but I am undecided where I should hold it.
             Do you have any suggestion?
Dina   : What about your parents? Haven't they chosen the venue?
Dono  : No it's up to me.
Dina   : Um.....why don't you celebrate your birthday at an orphanage?
             You can share your happiness with orphans.
Dono  : That's a good idea. I'll do it. thanks.
Dina   : You are welcome.

11. What does Dina suggest?
    A. Dono celebrates his birthday at home
    B. Dono shares his happiness with his friends
    C. Dono asks his parents about his birthday party
    D. Dono holds his birthday party at an orphanage
    E. Dono donates the money to an orphanage

12. From the dialog we know that.........
    A. Dono agrees with Dina's idea
    B. Dono declines Dina's suggestion
    C. Dina is going to have a birthday party
    D. Dono's parents have decided the venue for the birthday party
    E. The orphans invite Dono to visit their orphanage

13. Dina asks "What about your parents? Haven't they chosen the venue?"
      the similar meaning of the underlined word is.......
    A. Fee
    B. Site
    C. Time
    D. Feast
    E.  Supper

The following dialog is for questions 14 to 18.

Ann  : Let's go shopping. I have quite a number of things to buy, and I believe that
           I.......(14) get them all in this shop. You see, I...........(15)
           buy a present for my friend. She has invited me to her birthday.
           What........(16) we look at the first?
 Ben  : Gloves, I think. They ......(17) be on the ground floor. Yes, here we are,
            and I .......(18) see just the kid I want

14. A. may
      B. should
      C. can
      D. must
      E. could
15. A. might
      B. should
      C. has to
      D. can
      E. must

16. A. might
      B. ought to
      C. shall
      D. can
      E. must
17. A. may
      B. should
      C. shall
      D. could
      E. must

18. A. may
      B. should
      C. could
      D. can
      E. must

The following dialog is for questions 19 to 20.

Tiwi     : I am hungry, but I am broke.
Trisna  : Poor, Tiwi. DOn't worry, I have extra money. Here you are.
              You can buy lunch at the canteen.
Tiwi    : Sorry Trisna. I cannot accept it. I cannot Owe you.
Trisna : Don't think about that. I give it to you.
Tiwi    : Really? Thank you, Trisna. You are very kind.
Trisna : Don't mention it.

19. What is the dialog about?
    A. Eating out
    B. Offering lunch
    C. Offering an item
    D. Giving a suggestion
    E.Returning the favor

20. Tiwi says "Sorry Trisna. I cannot accept it"
    A. Trisna's lunch
    B. Trisna's savings
    C. Trisna's offer
    D. Trisna's school fee
    E. Trisna's beverage

The following text is for questions numbers 21 to 23.

Have you ever received missed calls from unknown numbers? It must be very disturbing, especially when you received the calls at night. If you have such a problem, I........(21) that you do the following.
When you receive a call, find out who the caller is. If the number is unknown, you .....(22) ignore the call. However, if it rings many times, you may answer it, perhaps it is from your friend or relative who has new phone number. If the call is from a person who does it for fun, You may......(23) what his/her purpose is. Tell him/her that you are busy. He/she should know that you don't like to be disturbed.

21. A. offer
      B. need
      C. invite
      D. suggest
      E. commond

22. A. will
      B. would
      C. should
      D. could
      E. might

23. A. ask
      B. asks
      C. asked
      D. asking
      E. is asking

The following dialog is for questions 24 to 26.

Lia   : I have cookies. Would you like a few ?
Soni : No, thanks. I am not hungry.
Lia   : But I don't feel comfortable eating cookies by myself.
Sani : You should not feel like that. I am full already.
Lia   : Would you like to eat just one, please?
Soni : I'll eat one if you insist.
Lia   : You're welcome.

24. What does Lia offer?
      A. Cakes
      B. Cookies
      C. Crackers
      D. Snacks
      E. Juices

25. What does Soni refuse the offer?
      A. He loves cookies very much
      B. He does not like cookies
      C. He also brings cookies
      D. He is hungry
      E. He is full

26. Lia says "Would you like to eat just one, please?"
      What does she express?
      A. She asks Soni to eat cookies
      B. She asks Soni for cookies
      C. She asks Soni to bring cookies
      D. She informs that she has cookies
      E. She tells Soni that she loves cookies

For questions 27 to 30, choose the correct words to complete the following text.

27. Tyas    : You look weak. I suggest you.....
                     school now and see a doctor.
      Asnita : I think so. I will ask for permission first.
      A. leaving
      B. leaves
      C. to leave
      D. left
      E. leave
 Reas the following dialog to answer questions 28 to 29.

 Mr. Gading  : Excuse me, sir. The road is closed. Which way should I take
                             to BRI Tower on Jalan Taman Siswa
     Mr. Raihan   : You ......(28)turn left here and turn right at the second intersection.
                            That will lead you to Taman Siswa.
    Mr. Gading    : Oh..........(29)I will try it. Thank you.
    Mr. Raihan    :  No problem.

28. A. will
      B. are
      C. has to
      D. can
      E. would

29. A. that's a good suggestion
      B.  are you sure
      C. I don't think so
      D. seriously
      E. I don't mind

30. Which of the following expressions gives a strong recommendation?
      A. Every students has to be punctual.
      B. More dust bin can be put in along the corridor.
      C. People must stop thinking that global worming is not a major problem.
      D. A thorough to evaluate the progress of the measure.
      E.Getting rid of cigarettes might be the best way to stop smoking.

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