Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan pada saat :
- Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada saat ini.
- Menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi secara berulang (kebiasan).
- Menyatakan kebenaran umum/fakta.
Rumus Verbal :
(+) S+Verb1+Object
(-) S+Do/Does+Not+Verb1+Object
(?) Do/Does+S+Verb1+Object
Contoh 1:
(+) I eat meat everyday.
(Saya memakan daging setiap hari)
(-) I do not eat meat everyday.
(Saya tidak memakan daging setiap hari)
(?) Do I eat meat everyday?
(Apakah saya memakan daging setiap hari?)
Contoh 2:
(+) She likes to cook everyday.
(Dia suka masak setiap hari)
(-) She does not like to cook everyday.
(Dia tidak suka masak setiap hari.
(?) Does she like to cook everyday?
(Apakah dia suka masak setiap hari?)
Keterangan :
- Penggunaan s/es pada kata kerja (Verb 1) yang menggunakan Subject she, he, it.
- Penggunaan does pada kalimat yang memiliki subject she, he, it.
- Kata kerja yang berakhiran -ch, -sh,-x, -s, dan -ss pada subject she, he, it harus ditambahkan es
(+) S+am/is/are+Complement
(-) S+am/is/are+not+Complement
(?) Am/is/are+S+Complement
Complement artinya sebagai pelengkap yang bisa terdiri dari adjective, adverb, preposition dan noun.
Contoh 1:
(+) You are a student.
(Kamu adalah seorang siswa)
(-) You are not a student.
(Kamu adalah bukan seorang siswa)
(?) Are you a student?
(Apakah kamu seorang siswa?)
Contoh 2:
(+) Riana is beautiful.
(Riana cantik)
(-) Riana is not beautiful.
(Riana tidak cantik)
(?) Is Riana beautiful?
(Apakah Riana cantik?)
Contoh 3:
(+) They are from Jakarta.
(Mereka dari Jakarta)
(-) They are not from Jakarta.
(Mereka tidak dari jakarta.
(?) Are they from Jakarta?
(Apakah mereka dari jakarta?
Time Signal Simple Present Tense:
- always
- as a rule
- generally
- normally
- usually
- often
- never
- regularly
- sometimes
- saldom
- steadily
- frequently
- everyday
- every other day
- now and then
- occasionally
- on and off
- once in a while
My parents are vegetable sellers. They always go to the martket at 3.00 a.m. They buy fresh vegetables from the farmers who sail their crops in the market. They usually get low prices as the prices for all vegetable are fixed.
Getting enough items, doing morning prayer, and having breakfast at the market, my father sells the vegetables around. Meanwhile, my mother returns home, bringing various vegetables. She cooks the vegetables into various dishes and sells them at her food stall. Many people buy the food, even she has many costumers who have reserved the food.
I have been used to be independent since I was young. I cook my own breakfast every day. My mother usually prepares the materials, such as eggs, tofu, tempe, sausages, or vegetables. She usually arrives home from the market when I am ready to go to school.
After school, I always help my mom sell food. I never complain and just enjoy my days. I understand how my parents earn for a living for their children. My parents are my heroes. I always respect, love and care to them.
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