Latihan kelas 1 SMA-Grammar Test

1. The new student.......from Bali.
    A. is coming
    B. come
    C. will come
    D. comes
    E. is going to come

2. Xena  : Bill, this is Iwan.
   Iwan  : ........
   Bill    : How do you do?
    A. How are you?
    B. What are you doing?
    C. Nice to meet you Bill.
    D. Glad to see you.
    E  How do you do?

3. Rian   : What...... Mr. Felipe usually do every morning?
    Jessie : He usually drives his children to school.
    A. does
    B. is
    C. will
    D. was
    E. do

4. Emil   : Hi, Migi! Your bag is so cool!
    Migi   : Thank you. I yesterday.
    A. buy
    B. bought
    C. have bought
    D. is buying
    E. will buy

5. Teacher  : I heard your team.......the English debate competition. Congratulations!
     Rasyid   : Well, thank you, Mr. Hasan. I was just trying to do my best.
    A. win
    B. wins
    C. won
    D. have won
    E. will win

6. Bima  : Oh Andri, I am glad you can make it to our house tonight. Come inside.
    Andri : Thank you Bima. Wow your house......amazing!
    A. is looking
    B. looking
    C. look
    D. looks
    E. looking

7. Anita   : doing anything this evening?
    Bobby : Yes, I am going to the cinema.
    A. Do
    B. Will
    C. Have
    D. Were
    E. Are

 8. Anita  : Where do you think...........?
     Bobby:  I expect I'll go to Olympiad Swimming Pool.
    A. Are you go
    B. will go
    C. you are going to
    D. are you going to
    E. are

9.  X : ......I hear the television.
     Y : I will turn it up so you can hear it.
    A. can
    B. can't
    C. will
    D. won't
    E. may

10. X : prefer the red or black shoes?
      Y : I think the red one will look nicer with your new dress.
    A. Can
    B. Have
    C. Will
    D. Do
    E. Are

11. X : planned your next holiday?
     Y : Yes, we are going to fly to Thailand on Wednesday.
    A. Do
    B. Are
    C. Have
    D. Will
    E. Can

12. A is texting to her friend.
    A. wear
    B. wears
    C. is wearing
    D. will wear
    E. wearing

13. He...........thin lips and his face is covered with rugged beard.
    A. has
    B. having
    C. had
    D. will have
    E. is going to have

 14. I am an American. I....... in Indonesia from age six to ten.
    A. living
    B. lived
    C. am living
    D. will live
    E. am going to live

15. I am an Indonesian singer. In my young age, I've ........ a lot of awards in music.
    A. get
    B. getting
    C. got
    D. gets
    E. to get

16. This restaurant is full. We........get any seat as all the tables have been reserved.
    A. will
    B. weren't
    C. may
    D. can't
    E. aren't

17. The.......about the trip to Borobudur Temple has received tremendous response.
    A. announce
    B. announcer
    C. announced
    D. annoncing
    E. announcement

 18.  Before....... the examination date for their final project, the students have to
        get their supervisors' approval.   
    A. arranging
    B. arrange
    C. arrangement
    D. arranges
    E. arranged

 19. Hello! My name's Farah Farce and I am a student. I am 17 years old. I'm the ...... of
       Force Online Shop.
    A. own
    B. owner
    C. ownership
    D. owners
    E. owned

20. This is Riana White. She is our technical manager. When there's a problem with the software,
       she will find a.... for it. I think she is really talented.
    A. solve
    B. solving
    C. solution
    D. solvable
    E. solved

21. Is it necessary to ......... when we introduce ourselves.
    A. giving our address
    B. saying our names
    C. mention his/her name
    D. shake hand
    E. welcome

22. ......she is still in school, she already produces and sells her own online products.
    A. Beside
    B. Anyway
    C. By the way
    D. Meanwhile
    E. Although

23. Congratulation on........the championship! This sure is big!
    A. wining
    B. losing
    C. improving
    D. winner
    E. loser

24. People usually give compliments when someone succeeded to...........something like scholarship,
     winning a competition, etc.
    A. start
    B. achieve
    C. receive
    D. accept
    E. have

25. After hearing the good news, he felt.......
    A. disappointed  
    B. angry
    C. in high spirits
    D. ridiculous
    E. insulted

26. He become so angry that he could hardly .........himself.     
     A. proud 
    B. adore
    C. appeal
    D. control
    E. stand

27. I have no words to how deeply sorry I am to hear about your condition.
    A. describe
    B. tell
    C. say
    D. write
    E. express

28. There are three options, all of which have interesting different prices.
      Your choice will.......your tour price.
    A. determine
    B. give
    C. include
    D. minimize
    E. choose

29. A female dancer is dancing.........
    A. beauty
    B. beautifully
    C. beautiful
    D. with beautiful
    E. beautify

30. ........, she loves black color because she is wearing black clothes from the top to the bottom
    and her boots as well.
    A. In addition
    B. Anyhow
    C. Apparently
    D. Appearance
    E. Beside

31. His eyes are.......and his nose is bag.
    A. thin
    B. small
    C. smooth
    D. slanted
    E. tiny

32. In the kitchen there was a..........table
    A. round wooden beautiful large
    B. beautiful wooden round large
    C. large round wooden beautiful
    D. large beautiful wooden round
    E. beautiful large round wooden

33. They are going to reserve a room in a local hotel. The ........can be done through email.
    A. reservation 
    B. reserves
    C. reserved
    D. reservoir
    E. reshuffle

34. According to the announcement, passengers of Garuda Indonesia Flight Number GA 522
      are to the winning room.
    A. enter
    B. proceed
    C. come
    D. end
    E. Finish

35. Dany was permitted by his father to try a new car. The ...... period lasted for a week.
    A. try
    B. tries
    C. trial
    D. trying
    E. tried

36. Rini   : Hello, Rini speaking.
      Aster : Hi, Rin, it's Aster. How are you doing?
      Rini   : I am fine, thanks.......
     Aster  : Very well, thank you.
    A. how do you do
    B. How happy you are
    C. Are my friend, Aster?
    D. How about you
    E. Are you OK?

37. A professor is introducing himself to his student.
     Professor  : ........... I'm Professor Jason Hunt.
     Student     : Nice o meet you to my student.
    A. I will introduce you to my student.
    B. You are going to introduce me, aren't you?
    C. Can I introduce you?
    D. Can you introduce me?
    E. Let me introduce myself.

38. A senior asking a junior what subjects she took this semester.
      Senior  : ............Dinda?
      Junior  : I took basic English, Math, and accounting subject.
    A. What subject that you took this semester.
    B. These subjects that you are going to take this semester, aren't you?
    C. This semester, you these subjects, didn't you?
    D. Did you take these subjects this semester?
    E. Are these subject that you took this semester.

39. Arthur  : Hello, Nesa, Hey, have you heard about the new student in our class?
      Nesa     : Nope, Is there any?
      Arthur  : Yes, there is. Her name is Chloe, she's transfer students from Jakarta.
      Nesa     : Oh, okey, ......., I hope she's fun and we can be friends.
    A. She can't wait to see me.
    B. I can't wait to see her.
    C. I am waiting to see her.
    D. I can wait to see her.
    E. I will wait to see her.

40. Dina : Hi, Yuni. What's your daughter doing these days?
      Yuni   : Oh, she's in college. In fact, she plans to graduate this June.
      Dina  : .......! You must be very proud of her.
    A. Delicious
    B. Thanks a lot
    C. That's wonderful
    D. Terrible
    E.  Displeasing

41. Fuad   : Hi Abdel. What's news?
      Abdel : Oh, I am going to take driving test tomorrow.
      Fuad  : That's great, Abdel..........!
    A. Amazing
    B. Perfect
    C. Embrassing
    D. Good luck
    E. Gorgeous

42. Tuti  : How is your business, Ria?
      Ria   : It's good. I've sold 100 items these two days.
      Tuti   : ........! That's a popular business right now.
      Ria    : Thanks a lot.
     A. Rubbish
     B. Have a nice day
     C. You look so cute
     D. Foolish
     E. Congratulation

43. Rahmi  : Hey, what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your blouse. 
      Sinta    : Thanks a lot. My sister brought it for me last month.
      Rahmi  : Wow! That's wonderful.
      Sinta    : Oh, Rahmi, can I ask you someting?
      Rahmi  : Oh sure. Please.
      Sinta    : Have you finished writing the book we discussed two months ago?
      A. Rahmi gives a complement to Sinta's clothing.
      B. Three people are involved in the conversation.
      C. Sinta wrote the excellent book.
      D. The conversation takes places in an office.
      E.  Rahmi is Sinta's sister.

44. Emil   : What are you going to wear to the wedding?
      Glenn : ........., but I know what I am going to get them.
      Emil   : Really? What do you have in mind?
      A. Of course
      B. That's right
      C. No
      D. Yes
      E. Great

45. Emil   : What are you going to wear to the wedding?
      Glenn : ........ I thought about wearing my suit, but I'll have to buy new shoes if I do that.
     A. Yes, I do
     B. I don't know
     C. No, I don't
     D.  I do
     E.  Sure

46. X  : We are going to go swimming this weekend. Would you like to come along ?
      Y  : ......., but I know what I am going to get them.
      X  : No problem. I will give you one. I have some.
     A. I am sorry
     B. Excuse me
     C. I don't think so
     D. That sounds great
     E.  Exactly

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