a basket case | gila |
a blessing in disguise | menjadi berkah |
a breath of fresh air | membawa angin segar |
a change of heart | berubah pikiran, beralih |
a dead end | jalan buntu |
a grey area | kabur, semu, semar-semar |
a gut feeling | intuisi |
a hangover/hung-over | mabuk berat |
a hot potato | topic hangat |
a long houl | untuk waktu yang lama, hingga saat berakhir |
a piece of cake | mudah, gampang |
a rip off/to rip somebody off | kemahalan |
add insult to injury | yang memperparah/menyakitkan lagi |
hit rock buttom | terpuruk |
against your better judgement | dengan berat hati |
an arm and a leg | mahal |
an eye opener | menyadarkan |
at the drop of a hat | tanpa ragu |
at your fingertips | akses langsung |
back to the drawing board | mulai dari awal |
barking up the wrong tree | salah tuduh |
be a pain | menjengkelkan |
be child's play | sangat mudah |
be glad to see the back of | senang seseorang pergi |
be in hot water | dalam masalah, bermasalah, sulit, susah |
be in somebody's good books | dekat, hubungan harmonis |
keep somebody in the dark | tidak tahu, tidak di beri tahu |
be in the red | merugi |
in the same boat | keadaan yang sama |
man enough | tegas, kuat |
on somebody's back | meminta, memaksa |
on the ball | cekatan |
on the same wavelength | seirama, seide, sepemikiran |
only a matter of time | hanya soal waktu, menunggu waktu |
second to note | terbaik |
that as it may | meskipun demikian |
up in arms | sangat marah |
up in the air | mengambang, belum ditetapkan |
feel at home | nyaman |
beat around the bush | menghindar, berkelit |
lean over backwards | berusaha keras |
best thing since sliced bread | ide yang bagus |
big deal | bukan hal besar |
bite your tangue | manahan ucapan |
blow something out of proportion | membesar-besarkan |
break the ice | mencairkan suasana |
breathe down somebody's neck | mendekat |
bring something to light | menjadi terkenal |
burn the midnight oil | kerja larut |
burn your bridges | merusak hubungan |
bury the hatchet | rujuk, damai, rukun |
call it a day | pulang, mengakhiri |
call somebody's bluff | membenarkan, meyakinkan |
call the shots | memutuskan |
catch somebody's eye | menarik perhatian |
caught between two stools | pilihan sulit |
corporate ladder | mencapai puncak karir |
common ground | menjadi tren |
costs an arm and a leg | sangat mahal |
cross your fingers | berdoa |
cross your mind | mempertimbangkan |
cry over split milk | percuma menyesali |
cut a long story short | singkat cerita |
cut the mustard | mencapai sukses |
play devil's advocate | berargumen |
draw a blank | lupa, kosong |
easier said than done | mudah mengatakannya |
elvish has left the building | pertunjukan usai |
face the music | bertanggung jawab |
far cry from | berbeda |
fed up | marah, gregetan |
first hand | lihat sendiri |
follow in somebody's footsteps | mengikuti jejak |
foot the bill | membayar |
for the time being | untuk saat ini |
from scratch | dibuat sendiri dari awal |
get a kick out of something | menikmati |
get a move on | segera berangkat, memulai |
get cold feet | takut, gemetar |
get into gear | segera, cepat-cepat |
get out of bed on the wrong side | bangun dalam kondisi kurang mood |
get out of hand | tak terkontrol |
got something off your chest | membuang ganjalan pikiran |
get the picture | paham maksudnya |
get your act together | membenahi sikap |
get your foot in the door | sebagai pijakan awal |
be given the sack | dipecat |
catch wind of something | mulai mengtahui |
leap on the bandwagon | nimbrung, bergabung |
let somebody off the hook | membebaskan, melepas |
give it a short | mencoba |
give it your all | kerja keras |
give somebody a hand | membantu, menolong |
give somebody a piece of your mind | menegur keras, memarahi |
give somebody free rein | mengontrol |
give me somebody the could shoulder | mengacuhkan |
go all out | habis-habisan |
go downhill | memburuk |
go on about | bercerita (secara terus menerus) |
go out of your way to do something | meluangkan waktu secara sengaja |
go up in smoke | hilang sia-sia |
go with the flow | ikuti saja |
have a chip on your shoulder | memiliki dendam masa lalu |
have a shot at | berkesempatan |
have had it up to here | muak |
have it for somebody | marah |
have mixed feeling | ragu |
have second taughts | ragu |
have something on your mind | banyak pikiran |
have you heart set on something | bersemangat |
have you work cut out | sibuk |
keep an open mind | mencoba berpikir netral |
throw a fit | sewot, marah |
hear it on the graavine | kabar burung |
hit rock buttom | terpuruk |
hit the nail on the head | tepat, benar |
hit the sack | tidur |
stand your ground | tetap pada posisi |
if need be | jika diperlukan |
when push comes to shove | jika situasi menjadi sulit |
I'm all ears | menyimak |
in a bind | dalam kesulitan |
in the bag | di tangan |
in the heat of the moment | dalam emosi sesaat |
in the midle of nowhere | di pedalaman (wilayah yang tak dikenal |
jog somebody's memory | teringat |
jump on the bandwagon | mengikuti tren |
jump the gun | tergesa-gesa |
just my luck! | wah sial! |
keep an eye on | mengawasi, mata-matai |
keep something at buy | membuang |
keep track | memantau, melihat waktu |
bear in mind | camkan, ingat |
kill two birds with one stone | sekali dayung, dua pulau terlampaui |
know something like the back of your hand | menguasai, mengetahui dengan baik, paham betul |
know your stuff | mahir, ahli |
learn something by heart | menghafal |
learn the ropes | menyelami |
learn your lesson | mengambil pelajaran |
leave a lot to be desired | mengecewakan, tidak memuaskan |
left, right and center | dimana, mana |
let off steam | menenangkan diri |
let the cat out of the bag | membeberkan rahasia |
line of work | bidang kerja, tempat kerja |
make a long story short | pada intinya, singkat cerita |
make do | memperoleh yang ada |
make your day | menyenangkan |
miss the boat | hilang kesempatan |
miss the point | keliru |
no way | gk mungkin |
not have a clue | tidak tahu |
not have the faintest | tidak tahu sama sekali |
not playing with a full deck | kurang cerdas |
off and on/on and off | silih berganti, putus nyambung |
off the beaten track | terpencil |
off the top of your head | berpikir spontan |
on the back burner | menunda |
on the ball | paham betul |
on the dot | tepat |
on the other hand | disisi lain |
on the tip of your tangue | nyaris |
once in a blue moon | jarang terjadi |
out of line | keluar jalur, tidak tepat |
out of sight, out of mind | lupa karena tidak ketemu |
out of the blue | tanpa rencana, tak terduga |
pass the buck | menyalahkan |
pay the price for something | menanggung risiko |
pick somebody's brain | mengorek informasi |
play it by ear | jalani saja |
play your card right | pilihan yang tepat |
poke fun at | menertawakan |
politically (in)correct | dirasa tak patut oleh kebanyakan orang |
pull somebody's leg | bercanda |
pull your weight | turut membantu |
push your luck | meminta lebih setelah diberi sesuatu |
put all your age in one basket | mengumpulkan sesuatu yang ebrharga di suatu tempat |
put something on hold | menunda |
raise eyebrow | mencengangkan |
read between the line | menafsirkan |
red tape | mengulur-ulur, dipersulit |
ring a bell | ingat samar-samar |
road rage | ugal-ugalan |
run of the mill | tipikal umum |
safe and sound | selamat |
see eye to eye | sependapat |
set the record straight | meluruskan, megklarifikasi |
set your heart on something | memutuskan, menetapkan |
on the fence | belum memutuskan, ragu |
slip one's mind | terlupa |
small talk | obrolan ringan |
sour grapes | dengki, iri |
speak your mind | sejujurnya |
get the ball rolling | melangkah, memulai |
be in a rut | stagnan, statis, tak ada perkembangan |
take somebody, something for granted | memastikan, yakin |
take the plunge | mengambil sikap |
take with a grain of salt | mendengarkan nasihat dengan hati ragu |
talk shop | membicarakan pekerjaan |
taste of your own medicine | hukum karma |
the ball is in your court | terserah anda |
the be-all-and-end-all | segala-galanya |
the buttom line | hasil |
the fine/small print | teks/naskah rinci |
the icing on the cake | bertambah, semakin menarik |
the ins and outs | mendalami, memahami |
the last straw | menyulut kemarahan |
the more the merrier | semakin banyak semakin baik |
the word spread | berita menyebar |
there's nothing to it | mudah, gampang |
time flies | cepat berlalu |
to hear something straight from the horse's mouth | mendengar berita dari sumbernya |
to keep something/somebody at bay | menghalangi, menjaga agar tak mengganggu |
twist somebody's arm | merayu, membujuk |
up to speed | meng-update, memperbaharui |
up-and-coming | pendatang baru yang naik daun |
well-off/well-to-do | kaya |
whet your appetite | merangsang |
whole nine yards | melakukan semuanya |
would not be seen/caugh dead | kapok, jera |
you can say that again | setuju |
you name it | apapun yang kamu mau |
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