Also : As well : Too

Also, as well dan Too memiliki arti yang sama "juga"
Also yang paling formal dibandingkan dengan as well dan too. Letaknya setelah subjek. 
contoh : I bought a car last month, and I also bought a motorcycle.
Too lebih umum dipakai dalam percapakan informal  dan letaknya di akhir kalimat.
contoh : My father go home, I want to go home too. 
As well memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan too.
contoh : I need to get some food with the complete drink as well.
Jika anda ingin menambahkan informasi negatif dalam kalimat positif maka gunakan as well dan too.
contoh : You've already had your coffee, so you can't have tea as well. 
               You have bought a laptop, so you are not supposed to buy a home PC too. 
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