Future Continuous Tense (I will be doing)

Future Continuous Tense ini umumnya digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa kita akan di tengah-tengah suatu kejadian dalam waktu tertentu di masa depan. Penggunaan will/shall dan to be going to masih berlaku didalam tense ini dan maknanya sama.

Rumus verbal :
(+) S+Will/shall+be+Verb-ing+O
(-)  S+Will/shall+not+be+Verb-ing+O
(?) Will/shall+S+be+Verb-ing+O

Examples :
(+) I will be visiting you at 9 pm tomorrow.
(-)  I will not be visiting you at 9 pm tomorrow.
(?)  Will I be visiting you at 9 pm tomorrow?

(+) They will be coming home at 12 am tomorrow.
(-)  They will not be coming home at 12 am tomorrow.
(?) Will they be coming home at 12 pm tomorrow?

(+) We will be working at 1 pm tomorrow.
(-) We will not be working at 1 pm tomorrow.
(?) Will we be working at 1 pm tomorrow?

Time Signal :
  • Tomorrow
  • Next yeart
  • At this time tomorrow
  • At the same time tomorrow
  • At this time next year
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