Present Perfect Tense (I have done)

Present Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan:
  • Menyatakan pengalaman (Experience)]
  • MEnyatakan suatu perubahan atau informasi terbaru (Change and new information)
  • Menyatakan suatu situasi yang berkelanjutan (Continuing situation)
Rumus Verbal:
(+) S+have/has+V3+O
(-)  S+have/had+not+V3+O
(?)  Have/has+S+V3+O

Examples :
(+) I have eaten twice a day.
(-) I have not eaten twice a day.
(?) Have I eaten twice a day?

(+) He has already learnt grammar.
(-) He has already not learnt grammar.
(?) Has he already learnt grammar?

(+) Nina and Nino have just sung a west song.
(-) Nina and Nino have not just sung a song.
(?) Have Nina and Nino just  sung the song?

Non-Verbal Rumus
(+) S+have/has+been+Complement
(-)  S+have/had+not+been+Complement
(?)  Have/has+S+been+Complement

Examples :
(+)  Mrs. Diana has been here since 7.15 am.
(-)  Mrs. Diana has not been here since 7.15 am.
(?)  Has Mrs. Diana been here since 7.15 am?

(+) We have been at home for 8 months
(-) We have not been at home for 8 months
(?) Have we been at home for 8 months?

(+) The teacher has already been ready for the students' exam.
(-) The teacher has not already been ready for the students' exam
(?) Has the teacher been ready for the students' exam?

Adverb of Time of Present Perfect Tense:
  • once 
  • twice
  • three times
  • many times
  • several times
  • this week
  • already
  • just
  • not yet
  • as yet
  • so far
  • up to the present time
  • lately
  •  recently
  • finally
  • at last
  • since yesterday
  • since
  • for an hour
  • for two years
  • never
  • ever
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