Simple Future Tense (I will do )

Simple Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Ada dua penggunaan Simple Future Tense, yaitu menggunakan will/shall dan to be going to. 
Will/Shall digunakan untuk melakukan suatu rencana dan atau ramalan yang akan terjadi berdasarkan prediksi/belum ada kepastian.
To be going to digunakan untuk melakukan suatu rencana yang akan terjadi dan sudah pasti terjadi (kemungkinan besar)

Rumus Verbal 1
(+) S+Will/shall+V1+O
(-)  S+Will/shall+not+V1+O
(?) Will/shall+S+V1+O

Will   : bisa digunakan untuk semua pronoun (I, you, we, they, he, she, it)
Shall  : hanya bisa digunakan untuk pronoun I and we
won't  : singkatan dari will not.

Examples :
(+) We will see  a doctor tomorrow noon.
(-)  We will not see  a doctor tomorrow noon.
(?)  Will we see a doctor tomorrow noon?

(+) They will go to get some foods for us.
(-)  They will not go to get some foods for us.
(?) Will they go to get some foods for us?

Rumus Verbal 2
(+) S+am/is/are+going to+V1+O
(-)  S+am/is/are+not+going to+V1+O
(?) Am/is/are+S+going to+V1+O

(+) I am going to watch a movie tomorrow.
(-)  I am not going to watch a movie tomorrow.
(?) Am I going to watch a movie tomorrow.

(+) She is going to buy new shoes next week.
(-)  She is not going to buy new shoes next week.
(?) Is she going to buy new shoes next week.

Rumus Non-Verbal 1
(+) S+will/shall+be+Complement.
(-)  S+will/shall+not+be+Complement.
(?) Will/shall+ S+be+Complement

(+) We will be at school on Tuesday.
(-)  We will not be at school on Tuesday.
(?)  Will we be at school on Tuesday.

(+) Dea will be happy if her friend comes to her birthday party.
(-)  Dea will not be happy if her friend comes to her birthday party.
(?) Will Dea be happy if her friend comes to her birthday party?

Rumus Non-Verbal2
(+) S+am/is/are+going to+be+Complement.
(-)  S+am/is/are+not+going to+be+Complement.
(?)  Am/is/are+S+going to+be+Complement?

(+) They are going to be in the village next month.
(-)  They are not going to be in the village next month.
(?)  Are they going to be in the village next month?

Time Signals:
  • tomorro
  • next day
  • next week
  • next month
  • etc
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