Greeting and Introduction Expressions

Greetings : Sapaan
-Hi !
-Good morning : Selamat pagi
-Good afternoon : Selamat Sore
-Good evening : Selamat malam
-Good night : Selamat malam
-Nice day : Hari yang bagus
-Good day : Hari yang baik
-How are you? : apa kabar?
-How do you do? : Apa kabar?
-I am glad to see you : Senang bertemu anda
-What a surprise to see you : Sungguh mengejutkan bertemu dengan anda

Introduction : Perkenalan
-Let me introduce myself : Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri
-Allow me to introduce myself : Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya
-My name is........ : nama saya ........
-My nick name is .... : .....
-Everyone calls me ...... : ........
-I am from .... : Saya berasal dari .........
-I live in (town) : Saya tinggal di kota .....
-I am twenty years old : Umur saya 20 tahun
-I am a ..... : saya seorang .....
-My hobby is ... : Hobi saya ....

John   : Hi !
Maria : Hello!
John   : Long time no see. How are you?
Maria : I am well, thank you. I have been living in another town. What about you?
John   : I am great thanks. I thought you are not coming anymore.
Maria : I am coming for some business to finish. Nice to meet you.
John   : Hope you all the best.
Maria : I hope so, thank you.
John   : I am sorry, My friend is waiting for me so let me go home first. See you!
Maria : Be careful. see you!

Hello guys, let me introduce myself to you.
My name is Alice
Everyone calls me Alice
I come from Jakarta
I live in Bandung at Jl. Pahlawan No, 13 ........
I am 23 years old
I am a teacher at SMPN 64 Bandung
My hobby is reading  books
My favorite food is Pizza

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