Expression of Checking One's Understanding

Checking One's Understanding
  • Are you with me?
  • Do you get the point?
  • Can you understand my explanation?
  • Did you catch what I told you?
  • Is everything clear?
  • Sure, Ma'am.
  • Yes. It's very clear.
  • Yes. You explained very clearly.
  • No, Sir. You explained it very fast.
  • Sorry, Ma'am. I don't understand the last part. Would you repeat it please?
Let's see the dialogue!
Deswita   : O.K., friends. We have discussed the plan of the interschool futsal competition.
                 : Randy and Kinar will be the coordinators of the event. Any question?
Randy      : Yes. How about the other OSIS members?
Deswita    : Don't worry. We will support you. We do everything together, with both of you
                 : as the coodinators. Do you understand?
Randy      : Yes. Who will be the refrees for the competition then? We haven't talked about it yet.
Deswita    : I will talk about it with Mr. Rizal, our PE teacher.
Mario       : Good. I think we should choose fair ones, to avoid bad happenings.
Deswita    : Exactly. I've already thought about that. Are there anymore questions?
Mario       : No, thanks.
Deswita    : Alright. I think the discussion is enough. Thank you for coming.

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