Expressions of Asking and Giving Opinion

Asking for Opinion
  • What is your opinion about the problem?
  • What will you say about my decision?
  • Do you think that Dewa will be the team captain?
  • Do you agree if we hold a bazaar next month?
  • What is your view about my plan?
 Giving Opinions
  • I think we should have a meeting to discuss it.
  • I think it will be the best one.
  • Yes, he is the best player.
  • I totally agree but we should make a proposal first.
  • In my opinion, it will be beneficial for students.  
Dialog  1
Ayu    : Do you have any plan for the next holiday?
Galih  : Not yet.
Ayu    : What about visiting Duver Museum?
Galih  : Duver Museum?
Ayu    : Yes. Duvan is an abbreviation for dunia vektor and Reservoir. 
Galih  : What can we see in the museum?
Ayu    : We can get information about vectors, diseases caused by vectors and how to prevent us
              from the infection of such diseases. What do you think?
Galih : I think it will be interesting. Besides, it will certainly broaden our knowledge.
             Let's go there. 
Ayu    : Let's go.

Dialog 2
Cindy  : Attention, please. I'd like to tell you something.
Edo     : What's that?
Cindy  : Have you heard that Mrs. Diana, our Math teacher will move on to another school?
Edo     : O, gosh! We will miss a good teacher. We shoulld give them a give then.
Cindy  : That what I want to discuss. Do you have any idea for the gift?
Edo     : What about a book? 
Cindy  : A book?
Edo     : Yes. I just read Helen keller's book entitled The Story of My Life. 
Cindy  : What is special about the book?
Edo     : In her Autobiography, Helen Keller wrote how a gifted and patient teacher named
             Anne Sullivan enlightened her life. What do you think?
Cindy  : It sounds inspiring. O.K, I agree.

Exercise based on Dialog 2:
  1. Cindy tells Edo that                     
  2. The speakers  think that Mrs. Diana is               
  3. The speakers will discuss                 
  4. The speakers will give Mrs. Diana                   
  5. From the dialog 2, we can conclude that the speakers                            Their teacher. 

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