Latihan Soal SMA kelas 2 semester 1



30. Arrage the sentences to form a sequence text.
      (1) Betty   : May I know why?
      (2) Betty   : You are welcome.
      (3) Betty   : I see. What about a bag? I think this tote bag is nice.
      (4) Betty   : So, why don't you buy shoes for your sister's birthday gift?
      (5) Betty   :The goods here are cheap and and good quality, aren't day?
      (6) Gita     : I don't think it's a good idea.
      (7) Gita     : You are right. Besides, she has a tote bag and the price is affordable.
                          O.K., I'll buy this bag for her. Thanks for your suggestion Betty.
      (8) Gita     : I think so.
      (9) Gita     :Well, she has several pairs of shoes already.

The correct arrangement of the sentences is .............
    A. 5-8-6-4-9-1-3-7-2
    B. 5-4-6-8-1-9-3-7-2
    C. 5-8-4-6-1-9-3-7-2
    D. 5-6-9-4-3-1-8-7-2
    E. 5-8-3-9-1-6-4-7-2

31. Romly  : Finally, I've finished polishing my shoes. What do you think?
      Tyas     : .................
    A.They are new
    B. They are shining
    C. They look fabulous
    D. I think you are genius
    E. Is that what you want me to do?

32. Yudi    : I heard that the students won't be allowed to bring cellphones or tablets to school.
                    What would you say about that?
      Dessy : ................
    A. Please put it here
    B. That's very kind of you
    C. I don't think that's a good idea
    D. There are many applications you can share
    E. Let's see an electronic exhibition this afternoon

33. Anneke  : What do you think of my new shoes?
      Mawar   : ...............
    A. They look nice
    B.  Let's meet Mr. Jhon
    C. Yes. I think you should apologize
    D. I don't believe you said that
    E. Yes, you are absolutely right

34. Sinta    : The forest fires which occur at several places in our country cause air
                    pollution which affect human's health.
      Denny : .................
    A. It is a good idea
    B. It'll be fine, thanks
    C. I don't agree with your idea
    D. Don't worry. I can handle it
    E. You are right. It's a very bad situation.

The following dialog is for answer questions number 35 to 36.
Mrs. Juliani  : This backpack looks strong enough to carry many books. What do you think?
Boby            : Sorry, Mom. It looks old fashioned.
Mrs. Juliani  : Hmm...what about this one?
Boby            : I like it. It's looks strong and has three compartments, one for my laptop computer.
Mrs. Juliani  : So, will you take it?
Boby            : Let me help a look in more detail, Mom.

35. What is the dialog about?
     A. A backpac
     B. Many books
     C. A handbag
     D. A modern bag
     E. A bag for a laptop

36.  Boby says "It looks old fashioned."
      What does he express ?
     A. He expresses grief
     B. He expresses an opinion
     C. He expressesaffection
     D. He wishes her good luck
     E. He gives information

 The following dialogue is for questions 37 and 38.
Yudi  : What would you like to order, Amel?
Amel :  I don't know. All seem delicious.
Yudi  : May I choose for you?
Amel : Yes please.
Yudi  : I think fried chicken is the best.
Amel : Sorry, I have eaten too much chicken lately. What about milkfish?
Yudi  :O.K. that's a good choice.

37. Where does the dialogue take place?
    A. at home
    B. in a fashion shop
    C. in a shoe shop
    D. in a restaurant
    E. at school

38. Amel asks, "What about milkfish?"
     What does she express?
   A. She asks for information
   B. She asks for a plan
   C. She offers beverage
   D. She expresses gratitude
   E. She asks for an opinion

The following dialog is for questions 39 to 42.

Andri  : Did you watch the basketball final match at Pariwara Sport Center yesterday?
Deila   : Yes, I did.
Andri  : Who won? Was it SMA Harapan 5? I watched their semifinal match.
              I think they played well.
Deila   : No. SMK Putra Bangsa won. They played better and showed their best performance.
              I think SMA Harapan 5 was less cohesive.
Andri  : I see. I hope that we can learn from the match. So our school team
              will win the next competition.
Deila   : I hope so. Anyway, what do you think of our team's performance?
              Why did we fail in the competition.
Andri  : I don't think we prepared well for the competition. We did not practice regularly,
              to play our best. I think we should have regular practices and increase our cohesiveness.
Deila   : I agree with you.

39. What is the dialog about?
     A. A basketball competition
     B. A school achievement
     C. A team performance
     D. Basketball practices
     E. team cohesiveness

40. What does Della think about SMK putra Bangsa basketball team's performance?
     A. They played fairly
     B. They played well
     C. They were less cohesive
     D. The were the worst team
     E. They look tired and weak

41. From the dialog, we can conclude that..........
     A. SMK Putra Bangsa was the runner up
     B. Andri's school basketball team failed in the final round
     C. Andri and Della watch the basketball final match together
     D. Della's school basketball team won the competition
     E. SMA Harapan 5 played against SMK Putra Bangsa at the semifinal round

42. Andri says "I think we should have regular practices and increase our cohesiveness"
      The synonym of cohesiveness is.......
     A. unity
     B. power
     C. solidarity
     D. knowledge
     E. competence

The following dialog is to answer questions 43 to 45.

Erry   : Why cannot I see the blackboard clearly? The sentence are blurred.
Sinta  : I think you need to wear spectacles.
Erry   : I think so. I have to consult an optician, so my eyesight won't deteriorate.
Sinta  : Yeah. You should do it soon.
Erry   : I will. Now, please help me read the sentence number 4.
Sinta  : Sure.

43. Where does the dialog take place?
     A. At home
     B. On the street
     C. In a library
     D. In a canteen
     E. In a classroom

44. What happens to Erry?
     A. She has sore eyes
     B. She has poor eyesight
     C. She is waiting for an optician
     D. She is going to buy spectacless
     E. She is helping Sinta clean the blackboard.

45. From the dialogue we know that Erry will.....
     A. sit at the front wor
     B. consult an optician
     C. take Sinta home soon
     D. Help Sinta read the sentences
     E. tell the teacher what her problem is

The following dialogue is for numbers 46 and 47.

Dipta   : What do you drink Angga?
Angga :  Dragon fruit juice.
Dipta   :  Dragon fruit juice? What is that? Is it a real fruit?
Angga : Yes, have you taste it? I think it's really good and refreshing. 
Dipta   : Wow, my god, you are right. it is so good. 
Angga : I told you. The dragon fruit juice is very healthy for your body too.
Dipta   : Yeah. I have heard about it, but I don't know that the taste will be this good.
Angga : Yes Dipta. You know what? Each of dragon fruit is rich of vitamins,
              including vit C, B1, B2 and B3.
Dipta   : That is why you drink it?
Angga :  Yes.

46. What is the dialog talking about?
     A. Healthy fruit
     B. Healthy juice
     C. The benefits of dragon fruit
     D. Angga's juice
     E. Angga's favorite juice

47. The underlined sentences show that Dipta?
     A.  agree with Angga's opinion
     B. disagree with Angga's opinion
     C. gives her opinion about dragon fruit
     D. asks Angga's opinion about dragon fruit
     E. she doesn't like dragon fruit juice

48. Andy  : Hey Milo, I have a new watch.
      Milo   : I'd say your new watch is simple but nice.
      From the dialogue, we know that........
     A. Andy asks for Milo's attention
     B. Milo gives his opinion of the watch
     C. Milo asks for Andy's attention
     D. Milo asks for Andy's opinion of his watch
     E. Andy asks for Milo's opinion

49. Andy  : Listen, our school will have the 70th anniversary.
      Yuni   : .................
    A. But it is not our business
    B. I think we should take part of in the celebration
    C. Look what I have got!
    D. I don't think it is necessary to talk
    E. I feel that's the teacher's job

50. Randy   : Look at the bag.
      Tulus    : I think it is an expensive price for a bag.
      Randy  : ......The bag is so good so it is normal if the price is expensive.
    A. I agree with you
    B. I am with you
    C. I don't think so
    D. Do you agree with me?
    E. Do you have any idea?

51. Boy  : Let's drink mojito again! I do really like it. It makes me fresh.
      Betty : In my opinion, it is not good to drink a lot of mojito for it contains soft drink.
      Boy   : ...........Therefore, what are we going to drink?
      Betty : water.
      Boy   : Okay.

The following dialogue is for questions 52 to 53.

Rita  : What will wi buy as a birthday gift for Tania?
Lina : What about a handbag? some people believe that most of girl use handbag present days.
Rita  : Yes, but you may forget that Tania is a little bit manly and she never likes handbag.
Lina : So, what gift does she like?
Rita : What about a hat?
Lina : Hat?
Rita : Yes, she likes wearing a hat. She always tells me that she wants to buy a new hat.
           I think she will like it.
Lina : I think so. Well then.
Rita : That is just what I am thinking.

52. What do Lina and Rita buy for Tania?
    A. Handbag
    B. Hat
    C. Shoes
    D. T-shirt
    E. Skirt

53. The underlined sentence show the expression of ......
    A. Giving Opinion
    B. Asking Opinion
    C. Disagreement
    D. Agreement
    E. Offering opinion

The following dialogue is for questions 54 and 55.

Mitha : What brochure are you reading Danu?
Danu  : It is an English course brochure.
Mitha : Do you intent to attend an English course?
Danu  : Yes I do. as vocational school students. we should have good English skill.
             We have to be able to compete in this globalization era. Since most of companies
              require application to have English skills, both spoken and written.
Mitha : You are right. But I think we have already enough English lesson at school.
Danu  : I agree. but I intent to improve my English skill.
Mitha : I see.

54. What is Danu's opinion about vocational school students?
    A. They must have several skills
    B. They have to attend courses
    C. They should improve their capabilities
    D. They can compete in national compenies
    E. They should have excellent English

55. From the dialogue, we know that......
    A. Mitha gave a brochure to Danu
    B. Danu disagree with Mitha's view
    C. Mitha agree with Danu's opinion
    D. Mitha and Danu are going to attend a course
    E. Mitha and Danu are students of senior high school

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