Simple Past Tense (I did)

 Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kerjaan yang telah terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau yang mana kejadian tersebut bisa panjang ataupun pendek.
Rumus Simple Past Tense ada dua yaitu VERBAL dan NON-VERBAL.


(+) S+Verb 2+O
(-) S+Did+Not+Verb 1+O
(?) Did+S+Verb 1+ O?

 Contoh 1:
(+)  I spoke English Yesterday
       (Saya berbicara Bahasa Inggris kemarin)
(-)  I did not speak English yesterday
      (Saya tidak berbicara Bahasa Inggris kemarin)
(?)  Did I speak English yesterday?
      (Apakah saya berbicara Bahasa Inggris kemarin?)

 Contoh 2:
(+)  She  woke up early in the morning

      (Dia bangun pagi-pagi)
(-) She did not wake up early in the morning
     (Dia tidak bangun pagi-pagi)
(?) Did she wake up early in the morning?
     (Apakah dia bangun pagi-pagi)

 Contoh 3:
(+) Ana and Ani learnet Mathematic yesterday
      (Ana dan Ani kemarin belajar matematika)
(-)  Ana and Ani did not learn Mathematic yesterday
      (Ana dan Ani kemaarin tidak belajar matematika)
(?) Did Ana and Ani learn Mathematic yesterday?
     (Apakah Ana dan Ani belajar matematika kemarin?)

(+) S + was/were + Complement
(-) S + was/were + Not + Complement
(?) Was/were + S + Complement

Contoh 1:
(+) You were a student
      (Kamu adalah seorang siswa)
(-) You were not a student
     (Kamu bukan seorang siswa)
(?) Were you a student?
      (Apakah kamu seorang siswa?)

Contoh 2:
(+) He was a teacher
      (Dia seorang guru)
(-) He was not a teacher
    (Dia bukan seorang guru)
(?) Was he a teacher?
     (Apakah dia seorang guru?)

Contoh 3:
(+) Yusman and Sonia were very dilligent
      (Yusman dan Sonia orang yang sangat rajin)
(-) Yusman and Sonia were not very dilligent
     (Yusman dan Sonia bukan orang yang sangat rajin)
(?) Were Yusman and Sonia very dilligent?
     (Apakah Yusman dan Sonia sangat rajin?)

contoh text yang menggunakan past tense

Long time ago, a couple lived happily in a village. They had two children, the son's name was Tare Iluh and the daughter name's was Beru Sibou, stayed at their uncle's house.
        Those kids grew into adults. Tare Iluh went to another village. He wanted to make money in a short time, gambling was the answer. At first, he won some money. He was so happy and used all the money. Sadly, he lost. He borrowed some money until he had a lot of debts. The village asked him to pay the debts, but he could not. They put him into the jail! In the mean time. Beru Sibou was worried him. She knew her brother was the jail. She wanted to meet him.
       Beru Sibou did not know they way to the village. She met an old man and he knew her brother was in jail. He suggested Beru to climb a high tree and sang a song about him. Her brother might hear her song. Then she climbed a high tree and sang a song. But no body listened to the song. Beru Sibeu was frustrated.
      Then, she prayed to God. "God, I am willing to pray my brother debts. I will pay with my tear, my hair and all parts of my body can be used by villagers. But please free my brother." Right after praying, heavy storm attacked her. Beu Sibou changed into tree. All parts of tree were useful. Her tear changed into sweet water. Her hair changed into very strong leaves. People can use them as roofs of their houses. The fruit of the tree named kolang kaling are very delicious. People in other villages name it as pohon aren.
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