Present Continuous Tense (I am doing)

Present Continuous Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk :
  1. Tindakan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang.
  2. Rencana di masa yang akan datang yang sudah pasti.
  3. Kejadian berlangsung di saat sedang berbicara dan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung hanya untuk dalam jangka waktu yang singkat.
 Time Signal untuk Present Continuous Tense :
  • Right now 
  • now
  • at present
  • at this moment 
  • today
  • this morning
  • this afternoon
  • this weekend
  • tonight
  • in a few weeks
Jika Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan (di masa depan) :
  • Next month
  • next year
  • tomorro
  • next week
  • soon


 (+) S+is/am/are+Verb-ing+O
 (-)  S+is/am/are+not+Verb-ing+O
 (?) is/am/are+S+Verb-ing+O? 
Contoh 1 :
 (+) I am drinking a glass of milk right now.
       (aku sedang meminum segelas susu sekarang)
 (-) I am not drinking a glass of milk right now.
      (aku sedang tidak meminum segelas susu sekarang)
 (?) Am I drinking a glass of milk right now?
       (Apakah aku sedang meminum segelas susu sekarang?)

 Contoh 2:
(+) Sari is speaking French now.
     (Sari berbicara bahasa Francis sekarang)
(-) Sari is not speaking French now.
     (Sari tidak berbicara bahasa Francis sekarang)
(?) Is Sari speaking French now?
     (Apakah Sari menggunakan bahasa Francis sekarang?)

Present Continuous Tense dengan question words :

Where   + is/am/are + S + Verb-ing 

  Contoh :

  • What are you doing right now?
  • Who is attending FFI award tonight?
  • Where are you going on this long holiday?
  • When is Arya visiting his grandma?
  • Why are they playing games right
 Contoh text
How are you Mum? I miss you so much. We are not going anywhere this morning. We are staying in hotel, but everybody is busy.  They are enjoying themselves. Joan and Noumi are swimming. Georgi is still having breakfast. Shally is doing exercise at the hotel gym. I am at swimming pool right now, but I am not swimming. I'm reading a novel. I'm too tired to do anything, I guess. We will leave the hotel at eleven. Oh, I can't wait to see you soon, mum. 
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