Past Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk:
- Menceritakan sebuah tindakan yang sudah selesai dengan sempurna sebelum tindakan yang lain di masa lampau.
- Menyatakan kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) Type III if past perfect, past future perfect.
(Jika kami telah tahu, kami akan mengatakannya)
Rumus Verbal:
(+) S+had+V3+O
(-) S+had+not+V3+O
(?) Had+S+V3+O
(+) I had eaten before my sister came.
(-) I had not eaten before my sister came
(?) Had I eaten before my sister came?
(+) She had learnt English grammar before she had played a game.
(-) She had not learnt English grammar before she had played a game.
(?) Had she learnt English grammar before she played a game?
(+) Roma and Ridho had sung a pop song before they slept in their beds.
(-) Roma and Ridho had not sung a pop song before they slept in their beds.
(?) Had Roma and Ridho sung a pop song before they slept in their beds?
Time signal:
- Past Perfect..........(before)........Past Tense
- past tense..........(after)................Past Perfect
- past tense..........(as soon as)............Past Perfect
- past tense...........(until)...................Past Perfect
1. (+) My brother had eaten all the chocolate before my parents come home.
(-) ................................................................................................................
(?) ................................................................................................................
2. (+) .................................................................................................................
(-) She had not asked me for his cellphone number before she phoned him.
(?) ..................................................................................................................
3. (+) ................................................................................
(-) ................................................................................
(?) Had she found the key before she opened the box?
4. (+) After mom had washed the dishes, she cleaned the window.
(-) ...............................................................................................
(?) ................................................................................................
5. (+) After he had worked here, he fell ill.
(-) ..........................................................
(?) ...........................................................
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