Explanation text is a text about process how something was occurred, how a thing works. Explanation text has both similarity and differentiation with procedure text. These two texts commonly tell about the process of something however explanation text explains why something happens, how it can be, it gives information of a thing that sometimes being a question which needed some answer. While procedure text tells about the whole process how to create something specifically.
Purpose of the text is to deliver information of why and how something works/occurs.
Language feature :
- Simple Present Tense
- Passive form
- Action verb
- Connection cause and effect
- Summary and stating new point conjunction
Example :
Rain is advantageous because it brings water for all living things. But rain can be disastrous too because too much rain will cause floods which can wash away people, houses, and other valuable properties.The following is how rain is formed. The air is filled with tiny particles known as 'vapour'. Vapour is actually the gaseous form of water. Vapour is a part of air. The air around us is constantly moving because the air near the surface of the earth is hotter and lighter. This is why this air rises. The air higher up in the sky is cold and heavy, so it sinks. The rising of hot air and sinking of cold water cause the air to move. When the hot air rises to a certain level, the vapour presents in it, cools and changes to water. This is known as 'condensation'. When the water particles are too heavy for the air to carry, the air is said to be 'over saturated'. The water particles then fall as rain.
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